Healthcare Administration Scholarships
Although the money can definitely be good once you’ve worked your way up to a position in healthcare administration, most people don’t go into the field strictly for a paycheck. No matter what your motivation, anyone would agree that the last thing you want to do is pile up a mountain of student debt on your way to seeing better paydays.
College isn’t cheap these days, especially not if you’re going into a solid, well-respected program.
- What Qualifies You For a Scholarship in Healthcare Administration?
- Best Places to Look for Scholarships in Healthcare Administration
- Healthcare Administration Scholarships for Degree Programs in Your State
Scholarships are an excellent way to fill in your funding gaps. While loans are common and more easily obtained, you can end up paying them back for decades. A scholarship, on the other hand will put thousands of dollars toward your tuition payments and other necessities with little or no further obligation… and in the end you won’t be doing any more paperwork than you would if taking out another loan.
It takes some work to track down the right scholarships to fit your circumstances and program, but it’s well worth the time. Even if you only pin down one scholarship, it can take a real chunk out of the cost of tuition and books for a semester or two… if you land more, or some of the larger ones, you could conceivably get through school with almost no debt whatsoever.
What Qualifies You For a Scholarship in Healthcare Administration?
Although most scholarships have few or no obligations after they are awarded, that’s the easy part. The hard part comes up front, as you are applying alongside thousands of other potentially deserving candidates. The bulk of applicants for any given scholarship will be disqualified on a basic failure to conform with the scholarship award criteria.
Criteria are set by the awarding institutions or by benefactors who set up the bequests initially. In some cases, the criteria are very straightforward: you must meet basic qualifications for:
- Type of degree being sought
- Your enrollment status and progression
- Grade Point Average
- SAT scores
Some or all of these are established for almost every scholarship. Other boilerplate requirements usually exist to prevent nepotism or other favoritism.
Because academics are a primary theme that many scholarships are trying to promote, most awards committees will also look favorably on other achievements, even if they are not required. These can include:
- Volunteer experience in the field
- Statements of intent or essays
- Capstone projects
- Internship work
- Other extracurricular efforts in the field
- Letters of recommendation from professors, supervisors, or teachers
Beyond those basics, though, scholarships can become extremely specialized in focus.
Group Membership
One of the most common criteria for scholarship awards is contingent on belong to a particular group. This can be a voluntary membership, such as is required for the Richard P. Covert Scholarship for Management Systems from HIMSS, a $5,000 scholarship that is only open to HIMSS members.
Gender and Ethnicity
Scholarships may also be open to individuals on the basis of gender, or ethnicity. These scholarships are usually designed to encourage historically underrepresented students to go into the field.
But you don’t necessarily have to be in a traditionally underrepresented minority to take advantage of some of these, either. The Ellis Bonner Award is a rather fuzzy example of this sort of award—it offers up to $2,500 to a “non-traditional” graduate student in Healthcare administration.
Economic Status
Most scholarship award committees have a serious interest in making sure they are giving opportunities to students who would otherwise be overlooked or be unable to pursue a healthcare management degree. In many cases, you will have to demonstrate a financial need for the award. This is usually done by providing income statements and bank records from you or your parents (depending on the scholarship and often your age and grade level).
Other scholarships are offered only for students attending certain programs. This is common among colleges that offer scholarships, such as the Leslie Blide Memorial Scholarship for University of Wisconsin students.
On the other hand, there’s also the Capella University Health Administration Scholarship, which has a twist—it offers between $1,200 and $5,000 only to Capella students, but since it’s an online school, you can be anywhere in the country and still be eligible.
There are also strange combinations of eligibility criteria that very few people can qualify for. For example, the Larry A. Mullins DHA Scholarship from Samaritan Health Services offers $1,000 awards to students who:
- Are currently undergraduates in the healthcare field.
- Currently work in healthcare.
- Are members or veterans of the U.S. Military.
- Are willing to work in Arizona or Oregon after graduation.
- Are attending programs at one of seven different schools, scattered between Oregon and South Carolina.
If you can meet all those criteria, you’re probably the only applicant!
Best Places to Look for Scholarships in Healthcare Administration
Although the big money scholarships can be appealing, it’s worth considering amassing a collection of smaller awards instead of putting all your efforts into one big one. You have better odds of being accepted if you put out more applications, and you may find there is less competition for scholarships with a smaller dollar amount attached to them.
It’s also worth looking at how many scholarships a particular endowment awards, not just the amount itself. Those handing out more awards improve your odds of receiving something.
Industry Groups
Healthcare management industry groups are a significant source of scholarship funds. By investing in education for future healthcare administrators, they are bankrolling the health of the industry. You can find these groups operating at both the national and regional levels. The Medical Group Management Association (MGMA), a national non-profit representing professionals who manage medical practice groups, offers two different scholarship funds at the national level, but regional sections such as MGMA Midwest also have their own awards.
There are also certification bodies and other industry support groups that offers some scholarship funds. The American College of Medical Practice Executives, the standard setting and certification body of the MGMA, offers the Richard L. Davis National Scholarship, worth $1,500, to any graduate or undergraduate student studying healthcare or medical practice management anywhere in the nation.
Hospitals and Health Services
One often lucrative source of scholarship and grant money are the future employers of healthcare administrators: hospitals and health programs. Some of these can be enormously generous, such as the National Institutes of Health’s Undergraduate Scholarship Program. It offers up to $20,000 per academic year in tuition, educational expenses, and reasonable living expenses, not to mention paid research training at NIH during the summers. But it comes with a hook—you have to be willing to commit to accepting employment at NIH for at least as many years as you accepted their funding.
The Indian Health Service has a variety of scholarships that are both government funded and prioritized for recipients with Indian heritage. This makes them a pretty solid bet to apply for if you are Indian, but doesn’t rule them out even if you are not.
Colleges and Non-Health Related Endowments
Universities themselves shouldn’t be overlooked as a source of scholarship funds. Almost all colleges have a wide variety of scholarships that are not specific to any particular program. They are simply designed to assist as many qualified students as possible in entering and completing a university degree. The financial aid office at your college will have the most information on these, as well as providing invaluable assistance in identifying and applying for other scholarships.
Of course, there are plenty of healthcare administration scholarships that are school-specific as well, like the Howard W. and Shannon H.S. Houser Endowment at the University of Alabama.
And because healthcare administration is, in addition to being its own specialty, a subset of general business and management education, don’t overlook business-oriented scholarships that might also be applied to healthcare administration degrees. Golden Key, for example, an international honor society, offers leadership scholarship awards that can cover almost any business-oriented degree discipline. With almost $13 million in awards handed out since 1977, it, and sources like it, shouldn’t be passed up.
Healthcare Administration Scholarships for Degree Programs in Your State
Health Administration Scholarships by State
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- District of Columbia
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Non-state-based Health Administration Scholarships
437 Scholarship/Indian Health Employee Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be of Native American background
- Must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate health professions program (includes health administration)
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 28
American College of Medical Practice Executives (ACMPE) Scholarship Fund Program
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program relevant to medical practice management (such as healthcare administration)
Elizabeth and Sherman Asche Memorial Scholarship/Association on American Indian Affairs
Benefit: $1500
- Must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student from a federally recognized Native American tribe pursuing a degree in healthcare administration (among other fields) in an accredited U.S. college/university
- Must submit tribal ID
- Must submit personal essay demonstrating dedication to improving health in the American Indian community
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 1
Benefit: $1500
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in a CAHME-accredited healthcare administration program
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be nominated by an employee of a home care or hospice agency
- Must be a current employee of a home care or hospice agency
- Must submit a narrative
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 2
Cathy L. Brock Scholarship/Institute for Diversity and Health Equity
Benefit: $1000
- Must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program in healthcare administration
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must demonstrate an interest in healthcare finance
Richard P. Covert, Ph. D., LFHIMSS Scholarship for Management Systems
Benefit: $5000
- Must be pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in a healthcare management systems field
- Undergraduate applicants must have at least junior status
- Must be a member of HIMSS
- Must not be employed by HIMSS or serving on an HIMSS board
- Must have two letters of nomination
Richard L. Davis National Scholarship/American College of Medical Practice Executives (ACMPE)
Benefit: $1500
- Must be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate or graduate student in a health care administration, medical group management or medical practice management program
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Vivian Drenckhahn Student Scholarship/Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE)
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student in a health education field
- Must be finished one-third of coursework
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must have been a national SOPHE member for at least three months
- Within one year of receiving scholarship, must be an active participant in a national SOPHE-sponsored initiative
Other details:
- Application deadline: December 13
Healthcare Information Management Systems Scholarship (HIMSS Foundation)
Benefit: $5000
- Must be a member of HIMSS
- Must be a student in an accredited undergraduate or graduate healthcare information or management systems program
- If undergraduate, must be a junior in the first semester/term
Other details:
- Application deadline: Oct 22
HealthGrad.com Leadership Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a health care program
- Must have a 3.2 GPA
- Must submit an essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: Nov 1
Indian Health Service Scholarship Program
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student pursuing a health care profession field (includes healthcare administration and management) at an accredited U.S. college/university
- Must be an American Indian or Alaskan Native
Leaders Scholarship/American College of Medical Practice Executives (ACMPE)
Benefit: $2500-$5000
- Must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program relevant to medical practice management (such as healthcare administration)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Steve Lieber Innovator Scholarship/HIMSS Foundation
Benefit: varies
- Must be a student in an undergraduate or graduate program in health information or management systems
- Must make a submission using digital health or technology
- Must be a current HIMSS member
- Must agree to provide two publishable pieces to HIMSS if win scholarship
- Must agree to make one presentation to HIMSS if win scholarship
Larry A. Mullins, DHA Scholarship/Samaritan Health Services
Benefit: $1000
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a health-care related field
- Preference given to applicants who currently work in health care
- Preference given to applicants who are members or veterans of the U.S. military
- Preference given to applicants willing to work in Oregon or Arizona after graduation
- Preference given to applicants who are currently attending one of the following schools: Western University of Health Sciences- COMP NW, Oregon State University, Northern Arizona University, Medical University of South Carolina, Linn Benton Community College, Glendale Community College, Arizona State University
Other details:
- Application deadline: last Friday of April
Benefit: $5000
- Must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program relevant to medical practice management (such as healthcare administration)
Richard J. Stull Student Essay Scholarship/American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE)
Benefit: $1000-$3000
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in healthcare administration at a school that participates in the ACHE Higher Education Network
- Must be an ACHE Student Associate
- Must be a U.S. or Canadian citizen
- Must submit a 15-page (maximum) essay on issues in the healthcare industry
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 7
Tylenol FutureCare Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a resident of the U.S.
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a health care field (includes health care administration)
- Must have at least one year of school remaining
- Must not be an employee or family member of an employee of Johnson & Johnson Consumer, Inc., McNeil Consumer Healthcare Division, ISTS, Inc. or their affiliates
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 30
Western Governors University Healthcare Partners Fund
Benefit: $2500
- Must be accepted into an undergraduate or graduate health professions program at WGU as a new student
- Must be an employee of a partner healthcare organization
- Must demonstrate financial need
American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) Foundation Merit Scholarships
Benefit: $1000-$1500
- Must be pursuing a CAHIM-accredited associate degree or a bachelor’s degree/post-baccalaureate certificate in health information management or health information technology
- Must be a current member of the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA)
- Must be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours
- Must have completed at least 24 credit hours towards a degree
- Must have a 3.5 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: September 30
Campus Safety, Health and Environmental Management Association (CSHEMA) Scholarship
Benefit: $3000
- Must be enrolled full-time in an undergraduate or graduate health, safety, environmental health, or related field
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
Gallagher Student Health Care Career Scholarship
Benefit: $7500
- Must be a full-time student in the third or fourth year of an undergraduate health care career college program (includes healthcare administration or management)
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 5
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate Scholarship Program
Benefit: up to $20,000
- Must be an undergraduate student in biomedical, behavioral or social science health-related research field
- Must be from an underprivileged background/demonstrate exceptional financial need
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
- Must have a 3.3 GPA or be within the top 5 percent of your class
- Must commit to NIH service obligations for each year you receive scholarship (10-week summer laboratory experience and full-time employment at NIH after graduation for at least one year)
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 3
Benefit: $1000
- Must be an undergraduate student in a school accredited by the Environmental Health Accreditation Council (EHAC) or a NEHA Educational/Educational Member School
- Must have one year of coursework remaining
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 15
American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) Foundation Merit Scholarships
Benefit: $2000-$2500
- Must be pursuing a CAHIM-accredited master’s degree or doctoral degree program in health information management or health informatics
- Must be a current member of the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA)
- Must be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours
- Must have completed at least 24 credit hours towards a degree
- Must have a 3.5 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: September 30
Benefit: $5000
- Must be a full-time graduate student
- Must be entering the second year of a CAHME-accredited graduate program in healthcare administration
- Preference given to applicants who are the first in their family to pursue graduate education
- Preference given to applicants who demonstrate financial need
- Preference given to female applicants
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 2
Ellis Bonner Award/National Association of Health Services Executives (NASHE)
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a non-traditional graduate student in healthcare management
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be a NAHSE member
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 15
Corris Boyd Scholars Program/AUPHA (Association of University Programs in Healthcare Administration)
Benefit: $40,000
- Must be accepted into an AUPHA full member master’s degree program
- Must be enrolled full-time
- Must be a student of color (African American, American Indian/Alaskan native, Asian American, Latino/Hispanic, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, multiracial)
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
- Must have a 3.0 GPA in undergraduate work
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 18
Capella University Health Administration Scholarships
Benefit: $1200-$5000
- Must be a new student accepted into Capella University’s GuidedPath program in Health Administration (graduate certificate, master’s or doctoral degree)
- Must have good academic standing
- Must pass your first Capella course to keep scholarship
Other details:
- Must apply for scholarship prior to beginning of first course
- Scholarship only applicable to GuidedPath programs, not FlexPath programs
Albert W. Dent Graduate Student Scholarship/ACHE
Benefit: $5000
- Must be a full-time, graduate, minority student enrolled in the last year in a graduate healthcare management program
- Must be a U.S. or Canadian citizen
- Must demonstrate financial need
- preference given to Student Associates of ACHE (American College of Healthcare Executives)
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 31
Florence Gaynor Award/National Association of Health Services Executives (NASHE)
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a female graduate student in healthcare management
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be a NAHSE member
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 15
Foster G. McGaw Graduate Student Scholarship/ACHE
Benefit: $5000
- Must be a minority student enrolled in the last year in a graduate healthcare management program
- Must be a full-time student
- Must be a U.S. or Canadian citizen
- Must demonstrate financial need
- preference given to Student Associates of ACHE (American College of Healthcare Executives)
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 31
Benefit: $2000
- Must be a graduate student in a school with an environmental health curriculum
- Must have one semester of coursework remaining
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 15
Haynes Rice Award/National Association of Health Services Executives (NASHE)
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a graduate student in healthcare management
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be a NAHSE member
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 15
Elliott C. Roberts Scholarship/Institute for Diversity and Health Equity
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a first- or second-year graduate student in a healthcare administration program
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate commitment to community service
- Must be a U.S. citizen
Robert G. Shouldice Scholarship/American College of Medical Practice Executives (ACMPE)
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a graduate student in a health care management program
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 1
Transamerica Retirement Solutions Leaders in Health Care Scholarship
Benefit: $5000
- Must be a first or second year graduate student in healthcare management or administration program
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate a commitment to community service
Stuart A Wesbury, Jr. Postgraduate Fellowship/American College of Healthcare Executives
Benefit: $52,000 fellowship
- Must be finishing a graduate degree in healthcare management/administration
- Must be authorized to work in the U.S.
- Must agree to work in ACHE for one year
Other details:
- Application deadline: Nov 1
David A. Winston Health Policy Scholarship
Benefit: $10,000
- Must be enrolled full-time in a graduate program at an AUPHA-member school
- Must be a first-year student in the second semester or third quarter
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must demonstrate commitment to health policy and leadership, and wish to pursue a career in health policy
- Must demonstrate academic achievement and community involvement
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 21
Alabama Health Administration Scholarships
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into a UAB Health Sciences Administration program
- Must demonstrate financial need
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Southern Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500 average ($1000 to $5000)
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA southern section states (South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Missouri, Louisiana, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, Alabama)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Beasley-Hall Family Endowed Scholarship in Health Administration/University of Alabama Birmingham
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into the residential UAB Master of Science in Health Administration program
- Must demonstrate financial need
Neeysa Davis Biddle Endowed Scholarship in Health Administration/University of Alabama Birmingham
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into the UAB Master of Science in Health Administration program
- Must demonstrate financial need
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into the PhD program in Administration-Health Services at UAB
- Must demonstrate financial need
Chen Hua Endowed Scholarship in Honor of Dr. Howard W. Houser/University of Alabama Birmingham
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into the UAB Master of Science in Health Administration program
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Preference given to international/Chinese students
Quorum Health Scholar in Health Administration/University of Alabama Birmingham
Benefit: full tuition for three years for the Master of Science in Health Administration program at UAB
- Must be a student in the UAB Master of Science in Health Administration program at UAB
- Must demonstrate financial need
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in the UAB Master of Science in Health Administration program
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Preference given to minority students
Alaska Health Administration Scholarships
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Western Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500 average ($1000 to $5000)
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA western section states (Utah, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, Nevada, Montana, Idaho, Hawaii, Colorado, California, Arizona, Alaska)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Richard Tilden Sr. Health Education Scholarship Fund/Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation
Benefit: $1000
- Must reside in Bristol Bay area
- Must be enrolled full-time in an undergraduate or graduate school in the health field
- Must be a member of one of 28 tribes
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 30
George V. Larson III Scholarship/Mat-Su Scholars Awards
Benefit: up to $10,000
- Must be at least a half-time undergraduate student in a hospital/healthcare administration program
- Must have lived in the Mat-Su Borough for one year prior to application
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must be eligible for the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must complete essay on how your degree will help people of Mat-Su
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 23
Benefit: allows residents of WICHE-member states to enroll in 450 programs in 61 institutions outside of their home state and pay in-state, resident tuition rates
- Must be a resident of a WICHE-member state (includes Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota)
- Must be enrolling in a graduate healthcare administration program in a participating institution
Arizona Health Administration Scholarships
Arizona Chapter of HIMSS Scholarship
Benefit: $5000
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student at an Arizona school in a healthcare information technology management program
- Must be a member of HIMSS and the Arizona Chapter of HIMSS
- Must be willing to participate as a student liaison to the Chapter Board
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Western Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500 average ($1000 to $5000)
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA western section states (Utah, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, Nevada, Montana, Idaho, Hawaii, Colorado, California, Arizona, Alaska)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
American Indian Science and Engineering Society/Burlington North Santa Fe Foundation Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a graduating high school senior living in a state serviced by BNSF (includes Washington, Texas, South Dakota, Oregon, Oklahoma, North Dakota, New Mexico, Montana, Minnesota, Kansas, Colorado, California, Arizona)
- Must be a Native American, Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian
- Must be planning to study health administration (among other select majors)
Positive Paths Scholarship Program
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a female
- Must be 18 years or age or older
- Must be a resident of an East Valley community (includes San Tan Valley, Apache Junction, Queen Creek, Gilbert, Chandler, Mesa, Tempe)
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must be accepted into/enrolled part- or full-time in an undergraduate program in health care certificate or degree program (health care administration applies)
- Must show promise for success
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 19
Victoria Foundation Robert Garcia Scholarship/University of Arizona
Benefit: $2000
- Must be a MPH student in Health Services Administration at University of Arizona
- Must have a 3.0 BPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must complete 20 hours of community service each semester if you receive scholarship
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 17
Benefit: allows residents of WICHE-member states to enroll in 450 programs in 61 institutions outside of their home state and pay in-state, resident tuition rates
- Must be a resident of a WICHE-member state (includes Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota)
- Must be enrolling in a graduate healthcare administration program in a participating institution
Arkansas Health Administration Scholarships
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Southern Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500 average ($1000 to $5000)
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA southern section states (South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Missouri, Louisiana, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, Alabama)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Dr. Austin C. Smith Memorial Scholarship/Arkansas Community Foundation
Benefit: $500 to $3000
- Must be a graduating senior from Northwest Arkansas
- Must plan to major in health care (includes administration)
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
Neal and Clara Spain Memorial Scholarship/University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Benefit: varies
- Must be currently enrolled in a graduate degree program in the Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (MHA counts)
- Must have completed at least 18 credit hours towards this degree
- Must have a 3.5 GPA in the COPH
Edward F. and Carol C. Stewart Scholarship for Academic Excellence in Public Health/University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Benefit: varies
- Must be seeking a graduate degree in the Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (MHA counts)
- Must have completed at least 18 hours toward that degree
- Must have a 3.85 GPA
California Health Administration Scholarships
Latino Healthcare Professionals Project of California State University Long Beach
Benefit: varies, usually covers entire tuition
- Must be enrolled in the undergraduate or graduate health care administration program at California State University Long Beach
- Must be a first-generation, bilingual Latino student at CSULB
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Western Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500 average ($1000 to $5000)
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA western section states (Utah, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, Nevada, Montana, Idaho, Hawaii, Colorado, California, Arizona, Alaska)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
St. Joseph Medical Center/Dignity Health Scholarship Program
Benefit: varies
- Must be a resident of San Joaquin or surrounding counties
- Must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program in health care field (includes health care administration)
- Must submit two letters of recommendation
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 27
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate full-time minority student at USC majoring in health administration
- Must show academic achievement
American Indian Science and Engineering Society/Burlington North Santa Fe Foundation Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a graduating high school senior living in a state serviced by BNSF (includes Washington, Texas, South Dakota, Oregon, Oklahoma, North Dakota, New Mexico, Montana, Minnesota, Kansas, Colorado, California, Arizona)
- Must be a Native American, Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian
- Must be planning to study health administration (among other select majors)
California State University Northridge Health Sciences Department Health Administration Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate student in health administration at CSUN
Grossmont Healthcare District High School Health Career Scholarship
Benefit: $1500-$3000
- Must be a graduating high school senior from one of the schools listed on this page
- Must reside in the Grossmont Healthcare District
- Must be nominated by your high school
- Must be planning to pursue a health career
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Honey Lake Hospice Scholarship
Benefit: $1500
- Must be a resident of Northern California
- Must be a student at a Northern California or Reno, NV college
- Must have completed one semester of a health care degree program
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
- Must submit essay on interest in hospice or gerontology
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 15
Benefit: $1000
- Must be pursuing a graduate degree in health administration (among other majors) at California State University Northridge’s College of HHD
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Priority given to low income applicants
- Priority given to first-generation graduate student applicants
- Priority given to applicants with commitment to research, professional experience or growth potential, or leadership skills
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 31
City of Hope Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: one-year administrative fellowship
- Must have graduate degree in healthcare administration
Kaiser Permanente Postgraduate Fellowship in Health Care Administration
Benefit: 12-, 18- or 24-month administrative fellowship in Northern California, Southern California or Northwest
- Must have a graduate degree in healthcare administration
Benefit: $5000
- Must be a member of the National Education Alliance
- Must be accepted into the Master’s in Healthcare Administration and Interprofessional Leadership program at the University of California San Francisco
- Must be an employee of a National Education Alliance corporate partner
Sharp Health Care Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: one-year fellowship
- Must have a graduate degree in health care administration
UC Davis Medical Center Administrative Fellowship Program
Benefit: one-year fellowship
- Must have a graduate degree in health care administration
UC San Diego Health Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: one-year fellowship
- Must have a graduate degree in health care administration
UCLA Health Administrative Fellowship Program
Benefit: one-year fellowship
- Must have a graduate degree in health care administration
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a current graduate student in the Master’s in Leadership of Healthcare Organizations program at University of California San Diego
- Must submit an independent study research project
- Must submit a 500-word essay
Benefit: varies
- Must be a new, incoming student in the Master’s in Leadership of Healthcare Organizations program at University of California San Diego
- Must submit essay
- Preference given to applicants with work experience and leadership experience
Benefit: varies
- Must be pursuing a graduate degree in the School of Policy, Planning and Development at USC (such as healthcare administration)
- Must show academic merit
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 15
Women in Health Administration of Southern California Graduate Student Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time graduate student in health administration in an accredited California school
- Must show evidence of commitment to a career in health administration and to advancing the goals of WHA
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 16
Benefit: allows residents of WICHE-member states to enroll in 450 programs in 61 institutions outside of their home state and pay in-state, resident tuition rates
- Must be a resident of a WICHE-member state (includes Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota)
- Must be enrolling in a graduate healthcare administration program in a participating institution
Colorado Health Administration Scholarships
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Western Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500 average ($1000 to $5000)
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA western section states (Utah, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, Nevada, Montana, Idaho, Hawaii, Colorado, California, Arizona, Alaska)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
American Indian Science and Engineering Society/Burlington North Santa Fe Foundation Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a graduating high school senior living in a state serviced by BNSF (includes Washington, Texas, South Dakota, Oregon, Oklahoma, North Dakota, New Mexico, Montana, Minnesota, Kansas, Colorado, California, Arizona)
- Must be a Native American, Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian
- Must be planning to study health administration (among other select majors)
Children’s Hospital Colorado Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: year-long fellowship at Children’s Hospital Colorado
- Must have a graduate degree in health administration
Executive MBA in Health Administration Scholarship/University of Colorado Denver
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into the Executive MBA in Health Administration program at University of Colorado Denver
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- No separate scholarship application is necessary – all who are accepted into the program will be considered
Health Administration Alumni Scholarship Fund/University of Colorado Denver
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in the graduate health administration program at University of Colorado Denver
Benefit: allows residents of WICHE-member states to enroll in 450 programs in 61 institutions outside of their home state and pay in-state, resident tuition rates
- Must be a resident of a WICHE-member state (includes Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota)
- Must be enrolling in a graduate healthcare administration program in a participating institution
Connecticut Health Administration Scholarships
Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Auxiliary Healthcare Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a healthcare administration program
- Must reside in a community served by Charlotte Hungerford Hospital
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 15
Connecticut Associate of Health Care Executives (CTAHE) Women in Healthcare Management Scholarship
Benefit: $1500
- Must be a female undergraduate or graduate student in a healthcare management program
- Must attend at least two CTAHE events during the year
- Must submit two essays
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 31
Harrington Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship
Benefit: $2000
- Must reside in a community served by Harrington Hospital
- Must be graduating from high school or have already graduated from high school
- Must have enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program in healthcare
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 2
Grace Kirk Memorial Scholarship
Benefit: $1250
- Must reside in a community served by Harrington Hospital
- Must be graduating from high school or have already graduated from high school
- Must have enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program in healthcare
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student in a program in healthcare information management systems
- If undergraduate, must be in at least the first semester of junior year
- Must be a HIMSS member
- Must either be attending school in New England or reside in New England (includes Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island or Vermont)
Other details:
- Was not awarded in 2018
Win Cash for Class Scholarship/Healthcare Financial Management Association Connecticut Chapter
Benefit: $1000 to $4000
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate health administration student in Connecticut
- Must have lived in Connecticut for at least five years
- Must have good academic standing
- Must have your program director’s endorsement
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: Aug 29
Yale New Haven Health Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: two-year fellowship
- Must have a graduate degree in healthcare administration
Delaware Health Administration Scholarships
Benefit: varies
- Must live or attend school in the Delaware Valley (Delaware, Pennsylvania or New Jersey)
- Must be in an undergraduate or graduate healthcare administration program
- Must express and demonstrate commitment to health policy, leadership, community involvement and long-term career interest in health services administration and health policy
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must volunteer and become a member of the National Association of Health Services Executives-Delaware Valley Chapter for at least one year from the date of receiving scholarship
- Must submit essay
Benefit: varies
- Must live or attend school in the Delaware Valley (Delaware, Pennsylvania or New Jersey)
- Must be in an undergraduate or graduate healthcare administration program
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must volunteer and become a member of the National Association of Health Services Executives-Delaware Valley Chapter for at least one year from the date of receiving scholarship
- Must submit essay
Jill Biden Scholarship-Biden Breast Health Initiative – Delaware Community Foundation
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduating senior of a Delaware high school
- Must be a Delaware resident
- Must be pursuing undergraduate education and a career in health care
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 15
University of Delaware Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics Graduate Scholarship
Benefit: up to 50% of tuition
- Must be a full-time student in the MBA-Health Administration track at UD
Other details:
- All applicants to the MBA-Health Administration program are considered for this scholarship-no separate application is needed
District of Columbia Health Administration Scholarships
College of Health and Human Services Distinguished Scholar Award/George Mason University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time undergraduate health administration student at George Mason University
- Must have a 3.2 GPA
- Must be a resident of the District of Columbia Metropolitan area
- Preference given to first-generation college students
Benefit: varies
- Must be a current MHA student at GWU
- Must have been continuously employed at GWU Hospital for at least one year
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to the MHA program at George Washington University
- Must show academic merit
Other details:
- All applicants to the programs are considered-no separate application required
Benefit: $6000
- Must be a current MHA student at GWU
- Must be a direct descendant of a U.S. veteran of World War II
Benefit: varies, usually includes tuition and a graduate administrative assistantship of $10/hour for 10 hours/week
- Must be applying to the MHSA program at George Washington University
- Must enroll in the long-term care concentration
David A. Winston Health Policy Fellowship
Benefit: one-year fellowship
- Must have a graduate degree from a school that is a member of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration
Florida Health Administration Scholarships
Availity Health Administration Scholarship/University of North Florida
Benefit: $1500
- Must be a full- or part-time undergraduate or graduate student in health administration at UNF
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Southern Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500 average ($1000 to $5000)
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA southern section states (South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Missouri, Louisiana, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, Alabama)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
South Florida Chapter of HIMSS Scholarship
Benefit: $5000
- Must be in an undergraduate or graduate health information/management systems field degree program at a school in South Florida
- If undergraduate, must have junior status or higher
- Must be a member of HIMSS and the South Florida chapter of HIMSS
UF Health Shands Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time undergraduate junior or senior or a graduate student who has completed at least one semester of coursework in the College of Public Health and Health Professions at UF Health Shands
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must demonstrate academic merit
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 23
Vicars Landing Health Administration Scholarship/University of North Florida
Benefit: $2500
- Must be enrolled as a full- or part-time undergraduate or graduate student in health administration at UNF
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Preference given to students who express career interest in aging
Northeast Florida MGMA Health Administration Scholarship
Benefit: $1250
- Must be enrolled as a full- or part-time undergraduate student in health administration at UNF
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be a resident of Nassau, Baker, St. Johns, Clay or Duval counties
South Florida Healthcare Executive Forum, Inc. Undergraduate Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be a Student Associate of the American College of Healthcare Executives
- Must be attending an undergraduate academic program within the SFHEF’s local chapter boundary
- Must have completed at least one course in health administration/management major
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Brooks College of Health University of North Florida Graduate Assistantship
Benefit: varies, usually includes tuition and requirement to work 10 hours/week
- Must be a full-time graduate student in the Brooks College of Health at UNF
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Florida Atlantic University’s College of Business Health Administration Provost Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an incoming Master of Health Administration student at FAU
- Must have a 3.3 GPA
- Must have excellent references
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 15
Health Administration Advisory Board Outstanding Student Award/University of North Florida
Benefit: $500
- Must be admitted into the graduate health administration program at UNF
- Must have a 3.8 GPA
- Must be a member of HASA or Upsilon Phi Delta
- Must have completed 36 hours of health administration credits
- Must demonstrate leadership skills
Health Administration Leadership Institute Leadership Award/University of North Florida
Benefit: $500
- Must be enrolled as a full-time graduate student in health administration at UNF
- Must demonstrate strong leadership skills
Ronald J. Spitznagel Service Fellowship in Health Sciences
Benefit: one-year fellowship
- Must have a graduate degree in health administration
- Must have 50 hours of volunteer service
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 23
South Florida Healthcare Executive Forum, Inc. Graduate Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be a Student Associate of the American College of Healthcare Executives
- Must be attending a graduate academic program within the SFHEF’s local chapter boundary
- Must be enrolled in a master’s degree program in administration/health management
- Must have a 3.5 GPA
Thomas and Trudy Summerill Scholarship in Health Administration/University of Florida
Benefit: varies
- Must be a MHA student at University of Florida
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Preference given to second-year students
Georgia Health Administration Scholarships
Constance L. Lloyd/American College of Medical Practice Executives (ACMPE) Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a woman enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate health administration program at an accredited college/university in Georgia
- Must submit three letters of recommendation
- Must submit essay
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Southern Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500 average ($1000 to $5000)
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA southern section states (South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Missouri, Louisiana, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, Alabama)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Gale V. “Buzz” Tanner Healthcare Scholarship/Monroe County Hospital
Benefit: $1000
- Must be 17 years or older
- Must plan to attend an accredited program in health care
- Must submit essay
Connie C. Fredenberger Scholarship/Valdosta State University
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a non-traditional female student majoring in management (healthcare administration applies) at Valdosta State University
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
Presbyterian Church USA Student Opportunity Scholarship/Belhaven University
Benefit: up to $3000
- Must be a full-time student in the undergraduate health administration program at Belhaven University
- Must be a member of the Presbyterian Church USA
- Must have completed one year of college
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 15
Steele Scholarship/Valdosta State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be an incoming freshman or transfer student in the Harley Langdale, Jr. College of Business Administration at Valdosta State University
- Must be majoring in healthcare administration (among other disciplines)
- Must have a minimum SAT score of 1240
- Must have a high school GPA of 3.25
- Must be involved in community activities
- Must show leadership skills
- Must show financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
Thilo Best MBA Assistantship and Fellowship Fund/Terry College of Business-University of Georgia
Benefit: scholarship of $2000 plus a two-year assistantship with reduced tuition, 40% of health insurance premium paid, monthly stipend for working 13 hours/week
- Must be a student in the MBA-Healthcare Management track at UGA
- Must be in the top one-third of the class
Georgia Power MBA Assistantship Fund/ Terry College of Business-University of Georgia
Benefit: scholarship of $4500, tuition waiver, plus a two-year assistantship with 40% of health insurance premium paid, monthly stipend for working 13 hours/week
- Must be a student in the MBA-Healthcare Management track at UGA
- Must be in the top one-third of the class
Max G. Holland Memorial Scholarship/J. Mack Robinson College of Business-Georgia State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be the student in the graduate program at health administration at GSU with the highest GPA after completing 30 credit hours of work
R.J. Knobel Scholarship/J. Mack Robinson College of Business-Georgia State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a MHA student at GSU
- Must have achieved distinction through professional and community activities
- Must have academic merit
Lorberbaum Fellowship Fund/Terry College of Business-University of Georgia
Benefit: scholarship of $10,000 per year for two years, plus a two-year assistantship with 40% of health insurance premium paid, monthly stipend for working 13 hours/week
- Must be a student in the MBA-Healthcare Management track at UGA
- Must be in the top one-third of the class
- Must have excellent GMAT scores
- Must have a strong record in previous academic work
Herman and Mary Virginia Terry Scholarship/Terry College of Business-University of Georgia
Benefit: scholarship of $1000 to $20,000
- Must be a student in the MBA-Healthcare Management track at UGA
- Must be in the top one-third of the class
Terry Excellence Fund/Terry College of Business-University of Georgia
Benefit: scholarship of $5000 to $15,000
- Must be a student in the MBA-Healthcare Management track at UGA
- Must be in the top one-third of the class
R.C. Williams, M.D. Honor Award/J. Mack Robinson College of Business-Georgia State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate student in the Institute of Health Administration at GSU
- Must demonstrate outstanding leadership in the profession
Hawaii Health Administration Scholarships
Aiea General Hospital Association Scholarship/Hawaii Community Foundation
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate major in a health-related field (includes health administration)
- Must be a resident of Waipahu, Wea Beach, Aiea, Pearl City, Waiane or Kapolei
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 19
Cora Aguda Manayan Fund/Hawaii Community Foundation
Benefit: varies
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
- Must reside in Hawaii
- Must be of Filipino ancestry
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate major in a health-related field (includes health administration)
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 19
Dr. Hans and Clara Zimmerman Foundation Health Scholarship/Hawaii Community Foundation
Benefit: varies
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
- Must reside in Hawaii
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate major in a health-related field (includes health administration)
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 19
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Western Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500 average ($1000 to $5000)
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA western section states (Utah, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, Nevada, Montana, Idaho, Hawaii, Colorado, California, Arizona, Alaska)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Rich Meier Health Administration Fund/Hawaii Community Foundation
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a full-time undergraduate junior or senior or graduate student pursuing a degree in healthcare or hospital administration at an accredited institution in Hawaii
- Must live in Hawaii
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must have a 2.7 GPA
- Must submit a personal statement
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 19
Robanna Fund/Hawaii Community Foundation
Benefit: varies
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
- Must reside in Hawaii
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate major in a health-related field (includes health administration)
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 19
Ida M. Pope Memorial Scholarship/Hawaii Community Foundation
Benefit: varies
- Must be female
- Must be of Hawaiian ancestry
- Must be pursuing an undergraduate degree in a health field
Benefit: allows residents of WICHE-member states to enroll in 450 programs in 61 institutions outside of their home state and pay in-state, resident tuition rates
- Must be a resident of a WICHE-member state (includes Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota)
- Must be enrolling in a graduate healthcare administration program in a participating institution
Idaho Health Administration Scholarships
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Western Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500 average ($1000 to $5000)
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA western section states (Utah, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, Nevada, Montana, Idaho, Hawaii, Colorado, California, Arizona, Alaska)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Minidoka Health Care Foundation Scholarships
Benefit: $1000
- Must be pursuing post-secondary education in a health care related field
- Must be a graduate of Minidoka County high school
- Must be at least an undergraduate sophomore
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must show academic merit
Idaho State University Bengal Solutions Scholar
Benefit: varies, includes graduate tuition and stipend in exchange for assistantship working as an advisor for local companies
- Must be a full-time MHA student at Idaho State University
- Must agree to work 20 hours/week
Other details:
- Application deadlines: March 1 for fall, October 1 for spring
College of Business Assistantship/Idaho State University
Benefit: varies, includes graduate tuition and stipend in exchange for assistantship in teaching or research
- Must be a full-time MHA student at Idaho State University
- Must agree to work 20 hours/week
Other details:
- Application deadlines: March 1 for fall, October 1 for spring
Benefit: allows residents of WICHE-member states to enroll in 450 programs in 61 institutions outside of their home state and pay in-state, resident tuition rates
- Must be a resident of a WICHE-member state (includes Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota)
- Must be enrolling in a graduate healthcare administration program in a participating institution
Illinois Health Administration Scholarships
Craig J. Aune Scholarship Fund/Pekin Hospital/Illinois Hospital Association
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student in a healthcare professions program at an accredited college/university (includes healthcare administration)
- Must live near Pekin Hospital in Illinois
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must be actively involved in health0related activities
- Must maintain academic excellence
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 11
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Midwest Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA Midwest section states (Wisconsin, South Dakota, Ohio, North Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Advocate Health Care Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: year-long fellowship
- Must be a recent graduate of a graduate health administration program
Northwestern Medicine Post-Graduate Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: one-year fellowship at Northwestern Medicine in healthcare administration
- Must have at least a master’s degree in healthcare administration
- Prefer applicants with prior healthcare experience
Hospital Sisters Health System Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: two-year administrative fellowship
- Must be in the final year of a graduate health care administration degree program
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: one-year fellowship
- Must have a graduate degree in healthcare administration and limited experience
Northwestern Medicine Administrative Fellowship Program
Benefit: two-year fellowship
- Must have a graduate degree in healthcare administration
Estelle Goldstein Memorial Scholarship/School of Public Health of University of Illinois at Chicago
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time student in the MHA program at University of Illinois Chicago
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must submit letter of recommendation from faculty member
- Preference to applicants with interest in aging or gerontology, or on student returning to school after age 40
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
Loretta Pratt Lacey Memorial Scholarship/School of Public Health University of Illinois at Chicago
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time African American student in the MHA program at University of Illinois Chicago
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must submit letter of recommendation from faculty member
- Must focus on women’s health
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
Indiana Health Administration Scholarships
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Midwest Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA Midwest section states (Wisconsin, South Dakota, Ohio, North Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Cash Family Scholarship/Community Foundation of Posey County
Benefit: $500
- Must be graduating from Mt Vernon High School
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must plan to pursue a health care degree (includes administration)
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 9
Hartford City Kiwanis Scholarship in Memory of Mike McDougall/Blackford County Community Foundation
Benefit: varies
- Must be graduating from Blackford High School
- Must plan to attend Indiana University or pursue a health care degree (includes administration)
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 6
Doug Leonard Healthcare Occupations Scholarship/Heritage Fund
Benefit: varies
- Must be a Bartholomew County resident
- Must be accepted into/attending IUPUC or Ivy Tech Community College
- Must be in an undergraduate health-care related program (includes administration)
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 16
Riedford Health Professions Scholarship/Community Foundation of Posey County
Benefit: $500
- Must be graduating from Mt Vernon High School
- Must have a 3.2 GPA
- Must plan to pursue a health care degree (includes administration) at a college/university in Indiana
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 1
Mary Lee Schurz Healthcare Scholarship Fund/Dubois County Community Foundation
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduating senior from Southridge High School
- Must be pursuing a degree in health care (includes administration)
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
Marilyn L. Wallace Scholarship/Community Foundation of Daviess County
Benefit: $500
- Must be graduating from North Daviess High School
- Must plan to pursue a health care degree (includes administration)
Other details:
- Application deadline: Jan 24
Iowa Health Administration Scholarships
Iowa Health Care Association Foundation Health Care Education Scholarships
Benefit: $1000
- Must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate health care program in Iowa (includes administration)
- Must be an employee of an IHCA member organization
- Must intend to work in long term services and supports field after graduation
Dr. Clyde A. Lindquist Scholarship/UnityPoint Health Fort Dodge
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student in health science field (includes administration) in Iowa
- Preference given to applicants from the following counties: Wright, Webster, Sac, Pocahontas, Humboldt, Hamilton, Calhoun, Buena Vista
- Must show academic merit
- Must show financial need
- Must show leadership skills
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Midwest Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA Midwest section states (Wisconsin, South Dakota, Ohio, North Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Bill and Mary Russell Health Care Scholarship/Heartland Foundation
Benefit: $500
- Must be enrolled full-time in an approved nursing or health care related program
- Must be a resident of one of the following Iowa counties: Taylor, Ringgold, Page, Fremont, Decatur
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 1
Benefit: varies
- Must be a first-year student at the University of Iowa College of Public Health
- Must demonstrate high academic achievement and leadership abilities in undergraduate education
Adrienne Astolfi Eddins Health Management Scholarship/University of Iowa College of Public Health
Benefit: $2500
- Must be an entering female student in University of Iowa College of Public Health’s MHA program
- Must show leadership skills
Benefit: $1500
- Must be a second- or third-year MHA student in the University of Iowa College of Public Health
- Must have interest in palliative/hospice care, geriatrics or long-term care
Peg and Richard Breon Scholarship/University of Iowa College of Public Health
Benefit: $1500
- Must be a second– or third-year MHA student in the University of Iowa College of Public Health
- Must have desire to lead non-profit voluntary hospitals
David T. Clapsaddle Memorial Scholarship/University of Iowa College of Public Health
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a second- or third-year MHA student in the University of Iowa College of Public Health
- Must have demonstrated growth in academic and leadership abilities
John W. Colloton Outstanding Student Award/University of Iowa College of Public Health
Benefit: $500
- Must be a member of the graduating MHA class of the University of Iowa College of Public Health
- Must be chosen by other class members as having outstanding leadership and the greatest potential to contribute to the profession
Mary Kay and Stephen E. Corbeil Scholarship/University of Iowa College of Public Health
Benefit: $2500
- Must be an entering out-of-state MHA student at the University of Iowa College of Public Health
- Must have high academic achievement
- Must demonstrate leadership potential
- Preference given to students expressing interest in multi-hospital systems
Lowell C. Kruse Healthy Choices, Healthy Lives Scholarship/Mosaic Life Care/Heartland Foundation
Benefit: $10,000
- Must be a first-year graduate student enrolled in at least 9 hours/semester in health care administration program
- Must reside in counties in the Heartland Health service region (Iowa counties: Decatur, Fremont, Page, Ringgold, Taylor)
- Must agree to complete a paid internship between first and second year
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 6
Charles R. Linden Scholarship/University of Iowa College of Public Health
Benefit: $1500
- Must be a second- or third-year MHA student in the University of Iowa College of Public Health
- Must show interest in a career in the non-profit sector of health care
MediRevv Scholarship/University of Iowa College of Public Health
Benefit: varies
- Must be a MHA student in the University of Iowa College of Public Health
- Must show high academic achievement
- Must show strong leadership potential
Marilyn and Lawrence Prybil Scholarship/University of Iowa College of Public Health
Benefit: $2000
- Must be a second- or third-year MHA student in the University of Iowa College of Public Health
- Must show commitment to working in the non-profit multi-unit health care system sector
Benefit: varies
- Must be entering the second year of MHA course work at the University of Iowa College of Public Health
- Must show academic achievement
- Must demonstrate financial need
Frank N. Whitson Award/University of Iowa College of Public Health
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduating MHA student at the University of Iowa College of Public Health
- Must have the highest academic performance of the class
Kansas Health Administration Scholarships
Kansas Hospital Education and Research Foundation Health Care Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate health care program in Kansas (includes administration)
- Preference given to current hospital employees, especially those at hospitals licensed for 25 or fewer acute beds
Kansas Medical Group Management Association Annual Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be enrolled full- or part-time in an undergraduate or graduate health administration program in a Kansas college/university
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Preference given to students with 3.0 GPA
- Preference given to undergraduates who are juniors or seniors
- Preference given to Kansas high school graduates
Newman Regional Health Auxiliary Scholarship Fund
Benefit: $500 to $1000
- Must be pursuing a healthcare degree (undergraduate or graduate)
- Must be from one of the following counties in Kansas: Coffey, Morris, Osage, Greenwood, Chae, Lyon
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 15
Bill and Mary Russell Health Care Scholarship/Heartland Foundation
Benefit: $500
- Must be enrolled full-time in an approved nursing or health care related program
- Must be a resident of one of the following Kansas counties: Doniphan, Brown, Atchison, Nemaha
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 1
American Indian Science and Engineering Society/Burlington North Santa Fe Foundation Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a graduating high school senior living in a state serviced by BNSF (includes Washington, Texas, South Dakota, Oregon, Oklahoma, North Dakota, New Mexico, Montana, Minnesota, Kansas, Colorado, California, Arizona)
- Must be a Native American, Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian
- Must be planning to study health administration (among other select majors)
Health Care Scholarship for Arkansas City Graduates/South Central Kansas Medical Center
Benefit: $300
- Must have completed at least one year of an undergraduate degree in health care
- Must be a graduate of Arkansas City high school
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be enrolled full-time
Maynard Oliverius Youth Leadership in Healthcare Scholarship/Stormont Vail Health Auxiliary
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a high school senior or current college student attending an undergraduate health administration program
- Must have completed 50 hours of volunteer service at Stormont Vail Health
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
- Preference given to students attending Fort Hays State University or another Kansas school
- Must submit essay
- Must submit letter of recommendation
Stormont Vail Health Auxiliary Student Volunteer Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a high school senior or current college student attending an undergraduate health administration program
- Must have completed 50 hours of volunteer service at Stormont Vail Health
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
- Preference given to students attending a Kansas school
- Must submit essay
- Must submit letter of recommendation
Lowell C. Kruse Healthy Choices, Healthy Lives Scholarship/Mosaic Life Care/Heartland Foundation
Benefit: $10,000
- Must be a first-year graduate student enrolled in at least 9 hours/semester in health care administration program
- Must reside in counties in the Heartland Health service region (Kansas counties: Atchison, Brown, Doniphan, Nemaha)
- Must agree to complete a paid internship between first and second year
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 6
Kentucky Health Administration Scholarships
Appalachian Health Career Scholarship/Community & Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky
Benefit: $2500
- Must reside in the Appalachian region of Kentucky
- Must be a full- or part-time undergraduate or graduate student in a health care field (includes administration)
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 23
Kentucky Health Information Management Association Scholarship
- Must be attending an undergraduate or graduate program in health information management/administration in Kentucky
- Must be a resident of Kentucky
- Must submit two letters of reference
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Southern Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500 average ($1000 to $5000)
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA southern section states (South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Missouri, Louisiana, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, Alabama)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Ira O. Wallace Scholarship/Kentucky Health Care Foundation
Benefit: varies
- Must be a Kentucky resident
- Must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate healthcare administration program
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a high school senior
- Must be a resident of Boyd, Carter, Greenup or Lawrence County, Kentucky
- Must be enrolled/plan to enroll in a health care career field at a college/university/vocational-technical school in Kentucky, Ohio, or West Virginia
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
- Must have a 15 ACT or 700 SAT score or GED
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must submit three letters of recommendation
Lexington Clinic Foundation Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a Kentucky resident
- Must live within Lexington Clinic’s service area (central and eastern Kentucky)
- Must have a high school diploma/GED
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must demonstrate academic achievement
- Must select a career in health care field and enroll in degree program in that field
- Must plan to work in central/eastern Kentucky upon graduation
- Must maintain a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 24
Victor W. Morgan Jr. Scholarship/Shawnee State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in an associate or baccalaureate health sciences program at Shawnee State University (includes health administration)
- Must reside in Scioto County, Ohio or Greenup County, Kentucky
- Must have good academic standing
- Must have high school diploma/GED
- Must have good character
Norton Healthcare Scholars Program
Benefit: up to $24,000 towards degree
- Must be enrolled in a healthcare degree program at an accredited Kentucky school
Kindred Healthcare Talent Management Executive Fellowship
Benefit: 12-18 month administrative fellowship in Kentucky or throughout the U.S.
- Must have a graduate degree in healthcare administration
Randy LeMay Scholarship/Lexington Clinic Foundation
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in a graduate level health administration program
- Must be a resident of Central or Eastern Kentucky
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must plan to work in Central or Eastern Kentucky upon graduation
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 11
University of Kentucky Health Care Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: two-year fellowship
- Must have a graduate degree in healthcare administration
University of Kentucky Master of Health Administration Scholarship Fund
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to/admitted to the MHA program at University of Kentucky
- Must show exceptional academic merit
Louisiana Health Administration Scholarships
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Southern Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500 average ($1000 to $5000)
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA southern section states (South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Missouri, Louisiana, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, Alabama)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Lou Davison Graduate Scholarship/Louisiana Health Information Management Association
Benefit: $2000
- Must be pursuing a graduate degree in health administration
- Must be a member of LHIMA or AHIMA
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 28
Gil Dupre Graduate Student Scholarship/Louisiana Association of Health Plans
Benefit: $2500-$10,000
- Must be a full-time student pursuing a master’s degree in healthcare management/administration at University of New Orleans, Tulane University or Louisiana State University
- Must maintain a 3.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must be a member of the Louisiana Association of Health Plans
- Must submit a resume, three letters of recommendation, essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: Oct 24
Ochsner Health System Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: 12- to 24-month fellowship rotating through operations, nursing, supply chain, finance and revenue
- Must have a graduate degree in healthcare administration
Maine Health Administration Scholarships
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student in a program in healthcare information management systems
- If undergraduate, must be in at least the first semester of junior year
- Must be a HIMSS member
- Must either be attending school in New England or reside in New England (includes Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island or Vermont)
Other details:
- Was not awarded in 2018
Steven Cutter Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Student/Foundation for Seacoast Health Scholarship
Benefit: up to $5000
- Must be a graduate student in a health care field
- Must live in Kittery, Elliot or York, Maine
Edwina Foye Award for Outstanding Graduate Student/Foundation for Seacoast Health Scholarship
Benefit: up to $5000
- Must be a graduate student in a health care field
- Must live in Kittery, Elliot or York, Maine
Maryland Health Administration Scholarships
Dr. Alfred & Ruth Beattie Healthcare Careers Scholarship/Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore
Benefit: $2000 to $10,000
- Must be a graduate of a Wicomico County, MD high school
- Must have completed at least one year of undergraduate study in health care field (includes administration)
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
Dr. Theodore Wiberg Health Careers Materials Award/Salisbury University
Benefit: $500
- Must be an undergraduate major in the Department of Health Sciences at Salisbury University
- Must have a 3.5 GPA
- Must be recommended by two professors outside of the department
- Must submit an essay
Anne Arundel Medical Center Administrative Fellowship Program
Benefit: one-year fellowship at Anne Arundel Medical Center, sponsorship to attend one national conference per year, leadership training on-site, mentoring, salary and full benefits
- Must have earned a MHA degree/similar by the start of the fellowship
- Must submit essay
- Must submit three letters of recommendation
Johns Hopkins Medicine Administrative Fellowship Programs
Benefit: two-year fellowship
- Must have a graduate degree in healthcare administration
Master’s Tuition Scholarship/Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Benefit: 75% tuition scholarship during second year of master’s program; also some salaried internship positions
- All students in the second year of MHA program will receive this scholarship
University of Maryland School of Public Health Graduate Assistantship
Benefit: varies, includes financial assistance in exchange for 10-20 hours of work per week
- Must be a full- or part-time graduate student in the Health Services Administration program at the University of Maryland School of Public Health
Massachusetts Health Administration Scholarships
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student in a program in healthcare information management systems
- If undergraduate, must be in at least the first semester of junior year
- Must be a HIMSS member
- Must either be attending school in New England or reside in New England (includes Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island or Vermont)
Other details:
- Was not awarded in 2018
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: one-year administrative fellowship
- Must have a graduate degree in healthcare administration
Deland Fellowship at Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Benefit: one-year fellowship in healthcare administration at Brigham and Women’s Hospital
- Must have a graduate degree in healthcare administration by the start of the fellowship
David M. Kinzer Scholarship/American College of Healthcare Executives of Massachusetts
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate student in health care administration in Massachusetts
Massachusetts General Hospital Administrative Fellowship Program
Benefit: two-year fellowship
- Must have a graduate degree in healthcare administration
Suffolk University Graduate Merit Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to the graduate health administration program at Suffolk University
- Must show academic merit
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- All applicants to the MHA program at Suffolk University are automatically considered for scholarships, no separate application is required
Michigan Health Administration Scholarships
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Midwest Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA Midwest section states (Wisconsin, South Dakota, Ohio, North Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Call Family Scholarship/Ferris State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a junior in healthcare systems administration at Ferris State University
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must have a 2.75 GPA
College of Health Professions Empowerment Award/Ferris State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a third- or fourth-year student in the College of Health Professions at Ferris State University
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate writing excellence/submit an essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 28
Dean’s Award for Excellence Annual Scholarship/Ferris State University
Benefit: $500
- Must be a full- or part-time student in the College of Health Professions at Ferris State University
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 28
Ellen Haneline Health Professions Endowed Scholarship/Ferris State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time student in an associate or baccalaureate program in the College of Health Professions at Ferris State University
- Must have a 3.25 GPA
- Preference given to applicants with financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 28
James and Katy Moore Health Professional Annual Scholarship/Ferris State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time student with at least 26 credit hours in the College of Health Professions at Ferris State University
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
- Preference given to applicants with financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 28
Outer Drive Hospital Auxiliary of Lincoln Park Endowment/Ferris State University
Benefit: varies
- Must have completed at least 26 credit hours of a program in the College of Health Professions at Ferris State University
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be a Michigan resident
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 28
Geff Reinke Endowed Scholarship/Ferris State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate student in a program in the College of Health Professions at Ferris State University
- Must have a 2.5 overall GPA, 3.2 program GPA
- Must show character and potential for success
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 28
Mike Shira Health Systems Management Endowed Scholarship/Ferris State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate student in a program in the health systems management program at Ferris State University
- Must have completed 56 credit hours
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Preference given to applicants with financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 28
Benefit: $2000
- Must be a full- or part-time student in the College of Health Professions at Ferris State University
- Must be a high school graduate from a school in the Mecosta-Osceola Intermediate School District
- Preference given to employees of Spectrum Health Big Rapids or Reed City Hospital
- Preference given to applicants with financial need
- Preference given to applicants with 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 28
Anne Szabunia Memorial Scholarship/Ferris State University
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a junior or senior at Ferris State University majoring in health care systems administration
- Must be an adult or non-traditional student
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
Beaumont Health Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: two-year health administration fellowship at Beaumont Health
- Must have a graduate degree in health administration by the start of the fellowship
University of Michigan Medicine Administrative Fellowship Program
Benefit: two-year health administration fellowship
- Must have a graduate degree in health administration by the start of the fellowship
Minnesota Health Administration Scholarships
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Midwest Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA Midwest section states (Wisconsin, South Dakota, Ohio, North Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
American Indian Science and Engineering Society/Burlington North Santa Fe Foundation Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a graduating high school senior living in a state serviced by BNSF (includes Washington, Texas, South Dakota, Oregon, Oklahoma, North Dakota, New Mexico, Montana, Minnesota, Kansas, Colorado, California, Arizona)
- Must be a Native American, Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian
- Must be planning to study health administration (among other select majors)
Benefit: $4000
- Must be a full-time student in the Master’s in Healthcare Administration program at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health
- Must demonstrate academic merit
Benefit: $500
- Must be enrolled full-time in the Master’s in Healthcare Administration program at University of Minnesota School of Public Health
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled full-time in the Master’s in Healthcare Administration program at University of Minnesota School of Public Health
- Must have strong interest and skills in finance
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled full-time in the Master’s in Healthcare Administration program at University of Minnesota School of Public Health
- Must show career interest, academic achievement and business competency
Benefit: $500
- Must be enrolled full-time in the Master’s in Healthcare Administration program at University of Minnesota School of Public Health
Benefit: $500
- Must be enrolled full-time in the Master’s in Healthcare Administration program at University of Minnesota School of Public Health
Benefit: $1000
- Must be enrolled full-time in the Master’s in Healthcare Administration program at University of Minnesota School of Public Health
Benefit: $2000
- Must be a second-year student enrolled full-time in the Master’s in Healthcare Administration program at University of Minnesota School of Public Health
- Must demonstrate personal courage
Benefit: $1000
- Must be enrolled full-time in the Master’s in Healthcare Administration program at University of Minnesota School of Public Health
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled full-time in the Master’s in Healthcare Administration program at University of Minnesota School of Public Health
- Must show promise of early achievement in private and public service
Benefit: $2000
- Must be enrolled full-time in the Master’s in Healthcare Administration program at University of Minnesota School of Public Health
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled full-time in the Master’s in Healthcare Administration program at University of Minnesota School of Public Health
Benefit: $500
- Must be enrolled full-time in the Master’s in Healthcare Administration program at University of Minnesota School of Public Health
Benefit: $5000/semester for up to three semesters
- Must be a full-time first-year graduate MHA or MPH student at the University of Minnesota
- Must have experience in and demonstrate a strong commitment to improving communities’ health
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
- Must have a strong academic record
Benefit: $2000
- Must be enrolled full-time in the Master’s in Healthcare Administration program at University of Minnesota School of Public Health
Benefit: $1500
- Must be enrolled full-time in the Master’s in Healthcare Administration program at University of Minnesota School of Public Health
- Must show academic merit
- Must demonstrate financial need
Mayo Clinic Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: two-year fellowship
- Must have a graduate degree in healthcare administration
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a second-year student enrolled full-time in the Master’s in Healthcare Administration program at University of Minnesota School of Public Health
- Must demonstrate commitment to quality of care issues in management/administration
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled full-time in the Master’s in Healthcare Administration program at University of Minnesota School of Public Health
Benefit: $2000
- Must be a second-year student enrolled full-time in the Master’s in Healthcare Administration program at University of Minnesota School of Public Health
- Must demonstrate promise of leadership in the profession
Benefit: $2000
- Must be enrolled full-time in the Master’s in Healthcare Administration program at University of Minnesota School of Public Health
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled full-time in the Master’s in Healthcare Administration program at University of Minnesota School of Public Health
- Must have an interest in healthcare, policy and social behavior
Benefit: $1000
- Must be enrolled full-time in the Master’s in Healthcare Administration program at University of Minnesota School of Public Health
- Must show promise in the field of health care administration
Benefit: $1000
- Must be enrolled full-time in the Master’s in Healthcare Administration program at University of Minnesota School of Public Health
- Must show promise for achievement in the healthcare field
Mississippi Health Administration Scholarships
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Southern Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500 average ($1000 to $5000)
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA southern section states (South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Missouri, Louisiana, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, Alabama)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Dr. Richard J. Enochs and Elmer and Annie Enochs Endowed Scholarship/Tennessee State University
Benefit: $500
- Must be an undergraduate junior or senior in the College of Health Science at Tennessee State University, with preference given to health care administration majors
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
- Must be a Mississippi state resident
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 31
Benefit: varies
- Must be a legal resident of Mississippi
- Must be a resident of a rural community (under 20,000 population)
- Must have completed at least one year in the Doctor of Health Administration program at University of Mississippi Medical Center School of Health- Related Professions
Missouri Health Administration Scholarships
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Southern Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500 average ($1000 to $5000)
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA southern section states (South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Missouri, Louisiana, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, Alabama)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Bill and Mary Russell Health Care Scholarship/Heartland Foundation
Benefit: $500
- Must be enrolled full0time in an approved nursing or health care related program
- Must be a resident of one of the following Missouri counties: Worth, Ray, Platte, Nodaway, Mercer, Livingston, Holt, Harrison, Grundy, Gentry, DeKalb, Daviess, Clinton, Clay, Carroll, Caldwell, Buchanan, Atchison, Andrew
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 1
Children’s Mercy Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: one-year administrative fellowship
- Must have a graduate degree in healthcare administration
David A. Gee Administrative Fellowship/Barnes-Jewish Hospital
Benefit: two-year fellowship at Barnes-Jewish Hospital
- Must have graduated with a graduate degree in health administration by start of fellowship
Other details:
- Application deadline: Oct 3
Lowell C. Kruse Healthy Choices, Healthy Lives Scholarship/Mosaic Life Care/Heartland Foundation
Benefit: $10,000
- Must be a first-year graduate student enrolled in at least 9 hours/semester in health care administration program
- Must reside in counties in the Heartland Health service region (Missouri counties: Andrew, Atchison, Buchanan, Caldwell, Carroll, Clay, Clinton, Daviess, DeKalb, Gentry, Grundy, Harrison, Holt, Livingston, Mercer, Nodaway, Platte, Worth)
- Must agree to complete a paid internship between first and second year
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 6
St. Louis Children’s Hospital MHA Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: two-year fellowship
- Must have a MHA
Montana Health Administration Scholarships
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Western Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500 average ($1000 to $5000)
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA western section states (Utah, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, Nevada, Montana, Idaho, Hawaii, Colorado, California, Arizona, Alaska)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
American Indian Science and Engineering Society/Burlington North Santa Fe Foundation Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a graduating high school senior living in a state serviced by BNSF (includes Washington, Texas, South Dakota, Oregon, Oklahoma, North Dakota, New Mexico, Montana, Minnesota, Kansas, Colorado, California, Arizona)
- Must be a Native American, Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian
- Must be planning to study health administration (among other select majors)
Benefit: allows residents of WICHE-member states to enroll in 450 programs in 61 institutions outside of their home state and pay in-state, resident tuition rates
- Must be a resident of a WICHE-member state (includes Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota)
- Must be enrolling in a graduate healthcare administration program in a participating institution
Nebraska Health Administration Scholarships
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Midwest Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA Midwest section states (Wisconsin, South Dakota, Ohio, North Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Lowell C. Kruse Healthy Choices, Healthy Lives Scholarship/Mosaic Life Care/Heartland Foundation
Benefit: $10,000
- Must be a first-year graduate student enrolled in at least 9 hours/semester in health care administration program
- Must reside in counties in the Heartland Health service region (Nebraska counties: Nemaha, Richardson)
- Must agree to complete a paid internship between first and second year
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 6
Benefit: $3000
- Must be enrolled in a graduate degree program in health care administration
- Must be employed by a member hospital of the Nebraska Hospital Association for two or more years
- Must be a Nebraska resident
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 22
Bill and Mary Russell Health Care Scholarship/Heartland Foundation
Benefit: $500
- Must be enrolled full-time in an approved nursing or health care related program
- Must be a resident of one of the following Nebraska counties: Richardson, Nemaha
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 1
Nevada Health Administration Scholarships
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Western Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500 average ($1000 to $5000)
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA western section states (Utah, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, Nevada, Montana, Idaho, Hawaii, Colorado, California, Arizona, Alaska)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Honey Lake Hospice Scholarship
Benefit: $1500
- Must be a resident of Northern California
- Must be a student at a Northern California or Reno, NV college
- Must have completed one semester of a health care degree program
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
- Must submit essay on interest in hospice or gerontology
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 15
Southern Nevada Chapter-Public Education Foundation
Benefit: $2000
- Must be a Southern Nevada high school senior
- Must have a 3.5 GPA
- Must plan to pursue a career in health administration (among other fields)
- Preference given to students planning to attend school in Nevada
Other details:
- Application deadline: Jan 31
New You, New Nevada Scholarship/Western Governors University Nevada
Benefit: $2500
- Must be applying to WGU Nevada’s Master of Health Leadership or MBA Healthcare Management program
Benefit: allows residents of WICHE-member states to enroll in 450 programs in 61 institutions outside of their home state and pay in-state, resident tuition rates
- Must be a resident of a WICHE-member state (includes Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota)
- Must be enrolling in a graduate healthcare administration program in a participating institution
New Hampshire Health Administration Scholarships
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student in a program in healthcare information management systems
- If undergraduate, must be in at least the first semester of junior year
- Must be a HIMSS member
- Must either be attending school in New England or reside in New England (includes Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island or Vermont)
Other details:
- Was not awarded in 2018
New Hampshire Long Term Care Foundation Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be pursuing undergraduate or graduate degree in health care (administration applies)
- Must be currently working in long-term care in New Hampshire
- Must have desire to work in long-term care
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 15
New Hampshire Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Undergraduate/Graduate Degree Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a member of New Hampshire MGMA
- Must be working towards an undergraduate or graduate degree in a field related to medical practice management
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Steven Cutter Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Student/Foundation for Seacoast Health Scholarship
Benefit: up to $5000
- Must be a graduate student in a health care field
- Must live in Portsmouth, Rye, New Castle, Greenland, Newington or North Hampton, New Hampshire
Benefit: $1000
- Must be majoring in a health administration or health financial management related field
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 30
Benefit: $1000
- Must be majoring in a health care related field at University of New Hampshire or Champlain College (VT)
Edwina Foye Award for Outstanding Graduate Student/Foundation for Seacoast Health Scholarship
Benefit: up to $5000
- Must be a graduate student in a health care field
- Must live in Portsmouth, Rye, New Castle, Greenland, Newington or North Hampton, New Hampshire
New Jersey Health Administration Scholarships
Benefit: varies
- Must live or attend school in the Delaware Valley (Delaware, Pennsylvania or New Jersey)
- Must be in an undergraduate or graduate healthcare administration program
- Must express and demonstrate commitment to health policy, leadership, community involvement and long-term career interest in health services administration and health policy
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must volunteer and become a member of the National Association of Health Services Executives-Delaware Valley Chapter for at least one year from the date of receiving scholarship
- Must submit essay
Benefit: varies
- Must live or attend school in the Delaware Valley (Delaware, Pennsylvania or New Jersey)
- Must be in an undergraduate or graduate healthcare administration program
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must volunteer and become a member of the National Association of Health Services Executives-Delaware Valley Chapter for at least one year from the date of receiving scholarship
- Must submit essay
New Jersey Hospital Association Health Research and Education Trust Undergraduate Scholarship
Benefit: $2000
- Must be a New Jersey resident
- Must be a junior or senior in an undergraduate program in healthcare administration
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: Sept 18
New Jersey Hospital Association Health Research and Education Trust Graduate Scholarship
Benefit: $2000
- Must be a New Jersey resident
- Must be enrolled in a graduate program in healthcare administration
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: Sept 18
New Mexico Health Administration Scholarships
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Western Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500 average ($1000 to $5000)
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA western section states (Utah, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, Nevada, Montana, Idaho, Hawaii, Colorado, California, Arizona, Alaska)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
American Indian Science and Engineering Society/Burlington North Santa Fe Foundation Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a graduating high school senior living in a state serviced by BNSF (includes Washington, Texas, South Dakota, Oregon, Oklahoma, North Dakota, New Mexico, Montana, Minnesota, Kansas, Colorado, California, Arizona)
- Must be a Native American, Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian
- Must be planning to study health administration (among other select majors)
University of New Mexico Graduate Assistantship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate health administration student at University of New Mexico
- Must agree to a research/teaching assistantship in exchange for tuition assistance/stipend
Benefit: allows residents of WICHE-member states to enroll in 450 programs in 61 institutions outside of their home state and pay in-state, resident tuition rates
- Must be a resident of a WICHE-member state (includes Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota)
- Must be enrolling in a graduate healthcare administration program in a participating institution
New York Health Administration Scholarships
Wiener Educational Center’s Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time New York undergraduate or graduate student in health administration (among other fields)
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
- Must have interest in working in New York’s Jewish communal sector
- Must agree to intern with UJA-Federation of New York’s network of agencies while receiving scholarship and for two years after graduation
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 15
Fordham University Graduate Student Support Grant
Benefit: varies
- Must be a MHA student at Fordham University
- Must show academic merit
Hofstra University MHA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to the MHA program at Hofstra University
Other details:
- All applicants to the MHA program are considered for scholarship- no separate application is required
New York City Citywide Administrative Services/Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time NYC government employee
- Must have an undergraduate degree form an accredited college/university
- Must be pursuing a graduate degree in administration field from a participating school in the NYC area
Northwell Health Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: one-year fellowship
- Must have a graduate degree in healthcare administration
NuHealth Minority Administrative Fellowship Program
Benefit: one- to two-year fellowship
- Must be a member of an ethnic/racial minority
- Must have a graduate degree in healthcare administration
- Must be an American citizen/permanent resident
NYU Langone Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: one-year full-time salaried fellowship
- Must have a graduate degree in healthcare administration
Roberts Wesleyan College Legacy Scholarship
Benefit: 10% discount on tuition
- Must be accepted into the graduate health administration program at Roberts Wesleyan College
- Must be a Roberts Wesleyan College alumnus
North Carolina Health Administration Scholarships
Benefit: $1000
- Must be an undergraduate student enrolled at Appalachian State University School of Business and Health
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 1
Healthcare Management Leadership Scholarship/Appalachian State University
Benefit: $1000
- Must be an undergraduate major in Healthcare Management at Appalachian State University
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
David D. Phoenix and Brydon S. Greene Scholarship/Appalachian State University
Benefit: $885
- Must be an undergraduate healthcare management student at Appalachian State University
- Preference given to students who have overcome obstacles to educational achievement
George and Helen Stowell Scholarship (Medical)/Community Foundation of Henderson County
Benefit: $2000
- Must be a graduating senior of a Henderson County public high school
- Must be a Henderson County native
- Must be planning to pursue a health care career (other than physician- administration applies)
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must have a combined SAT reasoning score of 1000
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must have extracurricular involvement
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 3
Well-Spring Endowed Scholarship/Appalachian State University
Benefit: $1200
- Must be a full-time undergraduate healthcare management student at Appalachian State University
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Preference given to student from Piedmont-Triad region of NC or to any NC resident
Association of North Carolina Boards of Health (ANCBH) Vaughn Upshaw Scholarship in Public Health
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate student at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill’s GILLINGS School of Public Health
- Must be committed to local public health agencies
- Must demonstrate leadership skills
- Must demonstrate academic excellence
Richard L. Davis, FACMPE-UNC Scholarship/American College of Medical Practice Executives (ACMPE)
Benefit: $1500
- Must be a graduate student at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill’s Gillings School of Public Health
Duke University Health System Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: two-year fellowship
- Must have a graduate degree in healthcare administration
Gillings Merit Scholars/University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate student of the Gillings School of Public Health at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
- Must demonstrate financial need
Gillings School of Public Health Annual Fund Scholarships/University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate student of the Gillings School of Public Health at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
- Must demonstrate financial need
Sentara Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: one-year fellowship in Virginia or northern North Carolina
- Must have a graduate degree in healthcare administration
Benefit: $1000
- Must be an incoming or currently enrolled graduate student in the public health leadership program at the Gillings School of Public Health at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
- Preference given to applicants who have completed one third of degree requirements
- Must have five years of experience in public health practice
- Must be endorsed by the director
Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: year-long fellowship
- Must have a graduate degree in health administration from a school that is accredited by the CAHME, CEPH or AACSB
North Dakota Health Administration Scholarships
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Midwest Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA Midwest section states (Wisconsin, South Dakota, Ohio, North Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Altru Health System Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be a graduating senior in a North Dakota community in which Altru provides services
- Must plan to pursue a career in healthcare (includes administration)
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 15
American Indian Science and Engineering Society/Burlington North Santa Fe Foundation Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a graduating high school senior living in a state serviced by BNSF (includes Washington, Texas, South Dakota, Oregon, Oklahoma, North Dakota, New Mexico, Montana, Minnesota, Kansas, Colorado, California, Arizona)
- Must be a Native American, Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian
- Must be planning to study health administration (among other select majors)
Benefit: allows residents of WICHE-member states to enroll in 450 programs in 61 institutions outside of their home state and pay in-state, resident tuition rates
- Must be a resident of a WICHE-member state (includes Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota)
- Must be enrolling in a graduate healthcare administration program in a participating institution
Ohio Health Administration Scholarships
Genesis Healthcare Foundation Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate health care degree program
- Must live in Morgan, Noble, Coshocton, Guernsey, Perry or Muskingum counties
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 15
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Midwest Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA Midwest section states (Wisconsin, South Dakota, Ohio, North Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Oncology Practice Alliance Scholarship/American College of Medical Practice Executives (ACMPE)
Benefit: $2500
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must demonstrate potential to contribute to medical practice management profession in the specialty of oncology or hematology
- Must live in Ohio or West Virginia
Other details:
- Application deadline: May1
A.C. Siddall Educational Trust Fund
Benefit: varies
- Must be a resident or current/past employee of a health care facility in the Allen Community Hospital District
- Must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program in a health care field (includes administration)
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a high school senior
- Must be a resident of Lawrence County, Ohio
- Must be enrolled/plan to enroll in a health care career field at a college/university/vocational-technical school in Kentucky, Ohio, or West Virginia
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
- Must have a 15 ACT or 700 SAT score or GED
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must submit three letters of recommendation
Victor W. Morgan Jr. Scholarship/Shawnee State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in an associate or baccalaureate health sciences program at Shawnee State University (includes health administration)
- Must reside in Scioto County, Ohio or Greenup County, Kentucky
- Must have good academic standing
- Must have high school diploma/GED
- Must have good character
Ethel Peak Memorial Scholarship/Ohio County Community Foundation
Benefit: $500
- Must be a graduating senior from Rising Sun High School
- Must plan to pursue a degree in health care (includes administration)
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 1
Cleveland Clinic Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: one-year administrative fellowship
- Must have graduate degree in healthcare administration
Benefit: two-year administrative fellowship in both hospitals
- Must have graduate degree in healthcare administration
Ohio Health Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: one- to two-year administrative fellowship
- Must be a recent graduate of a graduate healthcare administration program
Oklahoma Health Administration Scholarships
Indian Health Professions Program/Indian Health Service-Oklahoma City Area
Benefit: $7000 to $12,000/year
- Must be a high school graduate
- Must be enrolled full-time in an undergraduate or graduate health-related program (includes health administration)
- Priority is given to applicants of Indian descent
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 1
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Southern Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500 average ($1000 to $5000)
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA southern section states (South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Missouri, Louisiana, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, Alabama)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
American Indian Science and Engineering Society/Burlington North Santa Fe Foundation Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a graduating high school senior living in a state serviced by BNSF (includes Washington, Texas, South Dakota, Oregon, Oklahoma, North Dakota, New Mexico, Montana, Minnesota, Kansas, Colorado, California, Arizona)
- Must be a Native American, Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian
- Must be planning to study health administration (among other select majors)
Oregon Health Administration Scholarships
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Western Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500 average ($1000 to $5000)
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA western section states (Utah, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, Nevada, Montana, Idaho, Hawaii, Colorado, California, Arizona, Alaska)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
American Indian Science and Engineering Society/Burlington North Santa Fe Foundation Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a graduating high school senior living in a state serviced by BNSF (includes Washington, Texas, South Dakota, Oregon, Oklahoma, North Dakota, New Mexico, Montana, Minnesota, Kansas, Colorado, California, Arizona)
- Must be a Native American, Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian
- Must be planning to study health administration (among other select majors)
Kaiser Permanente Health Care Career Scholarship
Benefit: $2000, $5000 or $10,000
- Must be a high school senior at selected high schools in Washington or Oregon
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
- Must intend to study for a health care career (health administration qualifies) full-time at an accredited U.S. school
- Prefer applicants who are first-generation college-bound students
- Prefer applicants who demonstrate financial need
- Prefer applicants who are members of an underrepresented/diverse population
Kaiser Permanente Postgraduate Fellowship in Health Care Administration
Benefit: 12-, 18- or 24-month administrative fellowship in Northern California, Southern California or Northwest
- Must have a graduate degree in healthcare administration
Legacy Health Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: two-year administrative fellowship
- Must be a recent graduate of a MHA program
Benefit: allows residents of WICHE-member states to enroll in 450 programs in 61 institutions outside of their home state and pay in-state, resident tuition rates
- Must be a resident of a WICHE-member state (includes Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota)
- Must be enrolling in a graduate healthcare administration program in a participating institution
Pennsylvania Health Administration Scholarships
Benefit: varies
- Must live or attend school in the Delaware Valley (Delaware, Pennsylvania or New Jersey)
- Must be in an undergraduate or graduate healthcare administration program
- Must express and demonstrate commitment to health policy, leadership, community involvement and long-term career interest in health services administration and health policy
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must volunteer and become a member of the National Association of Health Services Executives-Delaware Valley Chapter for at least one year from the date of receiving scholarship
- Must submit essay
Benefit: varies
- Must live or attend school in the Delaware Valley (Delaware, Pennsylvania or New Jersey)
- Must be in an undergraduate or graduate healthcare administration program
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must volunteer and become a member of the National Association of Health Services Executives-Delaware Valley Chapter for at least one year from the date of receiving scholarship
- Must submit essay
Fasola Family Honors Scholarship/Pennsylvania State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate health policy and administration student at Penn State University
Virginia L. Mayers Memorial Scholarship/Pennsylvania State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate health policy and administration student at Penn State University
Momentum, Inc. Healthcare Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a full-time undergraduate junior or senior at a PA State System university
- Must major in a healthcare related field (including administration/informatics)
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must live in York, Perry, Mifflin, Juniata, Franklin, Dauphin or Cumberland counties
- Must submit a PowerPoint presentation
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 9
Ernest F. and Kay Frantz Salvino Discovery Scholarship/Pennsylvania State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate health policy and administration student at Penn State University
Jean Phillips Shibley Memorial Health Education Scholarship/Pennsylvania State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate health policy and administration student at Penn State University
- Must be preparing for a career in a volunteer agency, commercial organization, or government program
- Must have an outstanding academic record
Virginia Springer Memorial Scholarship/Community Foundation of Fayette County, PA
Benefit: varies
- Must be a Laurel Highlands High School graduating senior or graduate
- Must have a 3.5 GPA (high school) or 3.0 GPA (college)
- Must be majoring in healthcare field (includes administration)
- Prefer applicants with financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
Horace Mann Bond-Leslie Pinckney Hill Scholarship Program/Pennsylvania State System Universities
Benefit: full tuition scholarship for professional and graduate programs at Pennsylvania State System universities
- Must have an undergraduate degree from a Pennsylvania State System university and have graduated within the past five years
- Must be enrolled in a graduate program in an approved field (public health administration applies)
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
- Must be a Pennsylvania resident
- Must maintain 3.0 GPA
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate student in health administration at Penn State Harrisburg
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate student in health administration at Penn State Harrisburg
Dawn Gideon Scholarship for MHA Students/University of Pittsburgh Public Health
Benefit: varies
- Must be a MHA student at University of Pittsburgh Public Health
- Must demonstrate creative problem-solving and an understanding of individual worth
HealthAmerica Graduate Fellowship in Health Care Management and Policy/Penn State Harrisburg
Benefit: varies, includes tuition scholarship
- Must be a part- or full-time graduate student in the health administration program (master or doctorate) at Penn State Harrisburg
Nathan Hershey Endowment in Health Administration/University of Pittsburgh Public Health
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time MHA student at University of Pittsburgh Public Health
- Must demonstrate financial need
Highmark Blue Shield Graduate Fellowship in Health Care Policy and Management/Penn State Harrisburg
Benefit: varies, includes tuition scholarship
- Must be a part- or full-time graduate student in the MHA program or Doctorate of Public Administration -Health Care program at Penn State Harrisburg
- Must demonstrate potential for success
- Must show academic achievement
- Must demonstrate strong commitment to career in health care
Main Line Health Administrative Fellowship Program
Benefit: one-year fellowship
- Must be a recent graduate of a graduate program in healthcare administration
Benefit: varies
- Must be a MHA student at University of Pittsburgh Public Health
- Must show leadership potential
Penn Medicine Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: two-year administrative fellowship
- Must be a recent graduate of a graduate program in healthcare administration
Donna Lee Schultz Memorial Fund/University of Pittsburgh Public Health
Benefit: varies
- Must be a student in MHA program at University of Pittsburgh Public Health
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MHA student at University of Pittsburgh Public Health
- Must be a Pennsylvania resident
- Must demonstrate interest in long-term health care administration or policies
United Concordia Endowed Scholarship/Penn State Harrisburg
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time student in the MHA program at Penn State Harrisburg
Rhode Island Health Administration Scholarships
Black Philanthropy Bannister Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a Rhode Island Resident
- Must be pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in healthcare
- Must be an African-American
- Must be a high school graduate or adult student applicant
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 13
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student in a program in healthcare information management systems
- If undergraduate, must be in at least the first semester of junior year
- Must be a HIMSS member
- Must either be attending school in New England or reside in New England (includes Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island or Vermont)
Other details:
- Was not awarded in 2018
South Carolina Health Administration Scholarships
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Southern Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500 average ($1000 to $5000)
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA southern section states (South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Missouri, Louisiana, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, Alabama)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Dr. Suzan Boyd Doctoral Fellowship Fund/University of South Carolina
Benefit: varies
- Must be a doctoral student in the Department of Health Services Policy and Management at University of South Carolina
Dean’s Merit Scholarship/University of South Carolina
Benefit: varies
- Must be a MHA student at University of South Carolina
- Must demonstrate academic merit, high GRE/GMAT test scores
- Must have a professional background and special contributions to health administration
Other details:
- Application deadline: Fall
Health Policy Research Support Endowment Fund/University of South Carolina
Benefit: varies
- Must be a MHA or doctoral student at University of South Carolina
- Must demonstrate commitment to health services research
Palmetto Health Alliance African-American Scholarship/University of South Carolina
Benefit: varies
- Must be an African-American student accepted into the MHA program at University of South Carolina
- Must have a high undergraduate GPA
- Must have high GRE/GMAT scores
- Must submit letters of recommendation
- Must demonstrate leadership skills
Winona B. Vernberg Bicentennial Fellowship/University of South Carolina
Benefit: varies
- Must be pursuing a MHA degree at University of South Carolina Arnold School of Public Health
- Must be selected by director of graduate program
South Dakota Health Administration Scholarships
CHI Mercy Health Auxiliary Scholarships
Benefit: $250
- Must be a CHI Mercy Health employee for two years (part- or full-time) prior to applying for scholarship, or a volunteer who has completed 30 hours of service in the previous year, or a graduating high school senior in Barnes County, ND and a child or grandchild of a current CHI Mercy Health employee or volunteer
- Must be seeking a health care related degree
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 25
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Midwest Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA Midwest section states (Wisconsin, South Dakota, Ohio, North Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
South Dakota Health Care Association Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be seeking an education in a long-term care health field (includes administration)
- Must have been employed full- or part-time for a year in a SDHCA member facility
- Must have a 2.2 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 30
American Indian Science and Engineering Society/Burlington North Santa Fe Foundation Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a graduating high school senior living in a state serviced by BNSF (includes Washington, Texas, South Dakota, Oregon, Oklahoma, North Dakota, New Mexico, Montana, Minnesota, Kansas, Colorado, California, Arizona)
- Must be a Native American, Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian
- Must be planning to study health administration (among other select majors)
Tracy Family Business Scholarship/University of South Dakota
Benefit: varies
- Must be a Beacom School of Business-University of South Dakota junior or senior student majoring in health services administration
- Must show outstanding academic merit
Young and Gwendolyn Moore Scholarship/University of South Dakota
Benefit: varies
- Must be a Beacom School of Business-University of South Dakota student majoring in health services administration
- Must show outstanding academic merit
Avera Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: one-year fellowship working in health administration in Sioux Falls and Yankton
- Must have a graduate health administration degree by the start of the fellowship
- Must submit essay
- Must submit three letters of recommendation
Other details:
- Application deadline: Oct 15
Benefit: allows residents of WICHE-member states to enroll in 450 programs in 61 institutions outside of their home state and pay in-state, resident tuition rates
- Must be a resident of a WICHE-member state (includes Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota)
- Must be enrolling in a graduate healthcare administration program in a participating institution
Tennessee Health Administration Scholarships
Bruce A. and Amelia R. Goodrow Endowment/East Tennessee State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate health administration student at East Tennessee State University
- Preference given to candidates who are veterans of the military living in East Tennessee
- Preference given to candidates who are residents of Hawkins or Grainger County, TN or other rural East Tennessee county
- Must maintain full-time course load
- Must have the following GPA: Freshman – 3.0, sophomore- 3.0, Junior-3.25, senior-3.25, graduate student- 3.5
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Southern Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500 average ($1000 to $5000)
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA southern section states (South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Missouri, Louisiana, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, Alabama)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Dr. Robert D. Patton Health Policy Internship Scholarship/East Tennessee State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a junior undergraduate or first-year graduate student in health administration at East Tennessee State University
- Preference given to Tennessee residents
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must have a 3.0 GPA in the two years prior to application
Dr. Jay L. and LeVenia S. Allen Scholarship/East Tennessee State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a rising junior or senior health administration major at East Tennessee State University
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
Dr. Richard J. Enochs and Elmer and Annie Enochs Endowed Scholarship/Tennessee State University
Benefit: $500
- Must be an undergraduate junior or senior in the College of Health Science at Tennessee State University, with preference given to health care administration majors
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
- Must be a Mississippi state resident
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 31
Hospital Corporation of America Scholars Scholarship/Tennessee State University
Benefit: $14,500
- Must be a first-time freshman student in Health Care Administration at Tennessee State University
- Must submit an essay
- Must have a high school GPA of 3.25
- Must have an ACT score of 23 or above or SAT score of 1130 or above
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 31
John P. Lamb, Jr. Scholarship/East Tennessee State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a rising junior or senior undergraduate major in health administration at East Tennessee State University
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate leadership skills
Austin Peay State University Master of Health Administration Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to the MHA program at Austin Peay State University
- Must demonstrate financial need
Part-Time Master’s Fellowship/University of Memphis
Benefit: $1500
- Must be an incoming student in the MHA program at University of Memphis
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 14
Vanderbilt University Medical Center Hospital & Clinics Administrative Fellowship Program
Benefit: two-year fellowship
- Must have a graduate degree in healthcare administration
- Must seek a leadership career in health administration
Van Vleet Memorial Doctoral Award/University of Memphis
Benefit: $16,000 stipend plus tuition scholarship
- Must be an incoming doctoral student in the School of Public Health at University of Memphis
- Must be nominated by department chair
Other details:
- Nomination deadline: Feb 12
Texas Health Administration Scholarships
Charles & Linda Johnson Endowed Scholarship/Texas State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate health administration student at Texas State University
- Must show academic and professional achievement
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Southern Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500 average ($1000 to $5000)
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA southern section states (South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Missouri, Louisiana, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, Alabama)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
St. David’s Medical Center Healthcare Volunteers Scholarship Program
Benefit: $3000
- Must be enrolled in an undergraduate/graduate health-related program in a Texas college of University
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 15
American Indian Science and Engineering Society/Burlington North Santa Fe Foundation Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a graduating high school senior living in a state serviced by BNSF (includes Washington, Texas, South Dakota, Oregon, Oklahoma, North Dakota, New Mexico, Montana, Minnesota, Kansas, Colorado, California, Arizona)
- Must be a Native American, Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian
- Must be planning to study health administration (among other select majors)
Dr. Joy Boone Quality Achievement Scholarship/Texas State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate senior in the School of Health Administration at Texas State University
- Must have a 3.5 GPA
Benefit: $2000
- Must be an undergraduate full-time sophomore, junior or senior in health care administration at Sam Houston State University
- Must have a 3.2 GPA
- Financial need preferred but not required
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate health administration student at Texas State University
- Must demonstrate leadership in the university
- Must demonstrate academic merit
Texas A&M University Corpus Christi Undergraduate Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate health sciences major at Texas A&M University Corpus Christi
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
Jack B. Weinberger Memorial Scholarship/Amarillo Area Foundation, Inc.
Benefit: $500
- Must be a graduating senior from one of the 26 northernmost counties of the Texas Panhandle
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must plan to major in a health care field (includes administration)
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 15
Baylor College of Medicine Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: one-year fellowship in health administration at Baylor College of Medicine and opportunity to become a member of the Texas Medical Center Administrative Fellowship Association
- Must have a graduate degree in health administration by the start of the fellowship
CHI St. Luke’s Health Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: 12-month administrative fellowship
- Must have a graduate degree in health administration
Megan Michelle Hamid Memorial Scholarship/Texas State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate MHA student at Texas State University
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must demonstrate academic achievement
- Must demonstrate civic engagement or service learning activity
- Must be eligible for induction into the Health Administration Honor Society
Houston Methodist Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: 18-month administrative fellowship
- Must have a graduate degree in health administration
Bernard Rappaport Outstanding Health Administration Graduate Student Award/Texas State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate health administration student at Texas State University
- Must show outstanding academic performance
- Must show leadership skills
- Must have service experience
School of Public Health Scholarship/University of North Texas Health Science Center
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in the MHA program at UNT Health Science Center
- Must show academic excellence
- Must be committed to a professional role in public health
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: Mar 2
Texas Gulf Coast Chapter of the Healthcare Financial Management Association Graduate Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be enrolled in an accredited health care administration program in Texas
- Must show academic achievement
- Must be involved in HFMA at the national or regional level
- Must show experience and interest in health care administration
- Must show leadership skills
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: 18-month administrative fellowship
- Must have a graduate degree in health administration
Utah Health Administration Scholarships
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Western Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500 average ($1000 to $5000)
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA western section states (Utah, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, Nevada, Montana, Idaho, Hawaii, Colorado, California, Arizona, Alaska)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Benefit: 10 percent tuition scholarship
- Must be a University of Utah alumnus who has graduated within the past five years
- Must be accepted into the Eccles School MHA or Professional MHCA program at University of Utah
Other details:
- No separate application required- all who apply and are eligible are considered
Intermountain Healthcare Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: one-year administrative fellowship
- Must have graduate degree in healthcare administration
Benefit: allows residents of WICHE-member states to enroll in 450 programs in 61 institutions outside of their home state and pay in-state, resident tuition rates
- Must be a resident of a WICHE-member state (includes Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota)
- Must be enrolling in a graduate healthcare administration program in a participating institution
Vermont Health Administration Scholarships
Area Health Education Center for Northern Vermont Mimi Reardon Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in health care
- Must live in Washington, Orleans, Orange, Lamoille, Grand Isle, Franklin, Essex or Caledonia county
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must demonstrate interest in working in Vermont
- Must submit essay
- Must submit two recommendation letters
Taini Mae Kinney Scholarship/Vermont Student Assistance Corporation
Benefit: $1000
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a health care field
- Must reside in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont (Orleans, Essex or Caledonia counties)
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must demonstrate community service
- Must demonstrate education/work ethic
- Must submit essay
- Must submit recommendation letter
Virginia Cole-Levesque/Vermont Student Assistance Corporation Board of Directors Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must reside in Windsor or Rutland County
- Must seek an undergraduate or graduate degree in health care at an accredited school
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must demonstrate school or community involvement
- Must submit essay
Patrick and Judith McHugh Scholarship/Vermont Student Assistance Corporation
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a Vermont resident
- Must be pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in healthcare (includes administration)
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 9
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student in a program in healthcare information management systems
- If undergraduate, must be in at least the first semester of junior year
- Must be a HIMSS member
- Must either be attending school in New England or reside in New England (includes Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island or Vermont)
Other details:
- Was not awarded in 2018
Benefit: $1000
- Must be majoring in a health administration or health financial management related field
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 30
Benefit: $1000
- Must be majoring in a health care related field at University of New Hampshire or Champlain College (VT)
Virginia Health Administration Scholarships
ERPi Patriot Scholarship/George Mason University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a part-or full-time undergraduate or graduate health administration student at George Mason University
- Must be a service-disabled veteran, veteran, or immediate family member of a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 30
Virginia Chapter of HIMSS Scholarship
Benefit: $5000
- Must be in an undergraduate or graduate health information systems management program in Virginia
- Must be a current member of HIMSS and the Virginia Chapter of HIMSS
- Must be willing to participate as a student liaison to the chapter board
Chesterbrook Residences Scholarship/George Mason University
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate health administration student at George Mason University
- Must be concentrating in assisted living/senior housing administration
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
College of Health and Human Services Distinguished Scholar Award/George Mason University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time undergraduate health administration student at George Mason University
- Must have a 3.2 GPA
- Must be a resident of the District of Columbia Metropolitan area
- Preference given to first-generation college students
A.D. Williams Foundation Scholarship/Virginia Commonwealth University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a MHA student at Virginia Commonwealth University at the end of the first academic year
- Must display character, motivation, intellectual curiosity
Other details:
- All MHA students are considered for this scholarship upon acceptance – no separate application required
Bon Secours Richmond Health System Scholarship/Virginia Commonwealth University
Benefit: in- or out-of-state tuition, stipend and employment
- Must be a MHA student at Virginia Commonwealth University
- Must agree to work for Bon Secours Richmond Health System during academic years and summer
Other details:
- All MHA students are considered for this scholarship upon acceptance – no separate application required
Carl Fischer Fund/Virginia Commonwealth University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a MHA student at Virginia Commonwealth University
Other details:
- All MHA students are considered for this scholarship upon acceptance – no separate application required
Class of 2006 Scholarship/Virginia Commonwealth University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a MHA student at Virginia Commonwealth University
- Must have a 3.3 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- All MHA students are considered for this scholarship upon acceptance – no separate application required
Commonwealth of Virginia Graduate Fellowship Award/Virginia Commonwealth University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a MHA student at Virginia Commonwealth University
- Must have high academic and professional potential
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Preference given to applicants who are Virginia residents
Other details:
- All MHA students are considered for this scholarship upon acceptance – no separate application required
E.L. Derring Scholarship/Virginia Commonwealth University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a second-year MHA student at Virginia Commonwealth University
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- All MHA students are considered for this scholarship upon acceptance – no separate application required
Elmer Lee Farnsworth Fund/Virginia Commonwealth University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a second-year MHA student at Virginia Commonwealth University ‘
- Must display character, academic performance, motivation to be a leader in health care administration and service orientation for high quality patient care
Other details:
- All MHA students are considered for this scholarship upon acceptance – no separate application required
Ham Flannagan Scholarship/Virginia Commonwealth University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a MHA student at Virginia Commonwealth University
Other details:
- All MHA students are considered for this scholarship upon acceptance – no separate application required
HCA Health Care Scholarship for Emerging Health Care Leaders/Virginia Commonwealth University
Benefit: covers in- or out-of-state tuition
- Must be a MHA student at Virginia Commonwealth University
- Must show exemplary academic performance, work experience and leadership potential
Other details:
- All MHA students are considered for this scholarship upon acceptance – no separate application required
James Fleetwood Memorial Scholarship/Virginia Commonwealth University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a MHA student at Virginia Commonwealth University
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Preference given to students from rural areas or with an interest in rural health care
Other details:
- All MHA students are considered for this scholarship upon acceptance – no separate application required
Stephen and Miriam Lindsey Scholarship/Virginia Commonwealth University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a MHA student at Virginia Commonwealth University
- Must display strong interest in improving patient care
Other details:
- All MHA students are considered for this scholarship upon acceptance – no separate application required
Jefferson College of Health Sciences Master of Healthcare Administration Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a MHA student at Jefferson College of Health Sciences
Other details:
- All accepted students are immediately considered for scholarship- no separate application required
Sherry Kohlenberg Scholarship/Virginia Commonwealth University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a second-year MHA student at Virginia Commonwealth University
- Must be a woman
Other details:
- All MHA students are considered for this scholarship upon acceptance – no separate application required
Stuart D. Ogren Scholarship Fund/Virginia Commonwealth University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a first-year MHA student at Virginia Commonwealth University
- Must be a Virginia resident
- Must display high academic performance
Other details:
- All MHA students are considered for this scholarship upon acceptance – no separate application required
Sentara Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: one-year fellowship in Virginia or northern North Carolina
- Must have a graduate degree in healthcare administration
Washington Health Administration Scholarships
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Western Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500 average ($1000 to $5000)
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA western section states (Utah, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, Nevada, Montana, Idaho, Hawaii, Colorado, California, Arizona, Alaska)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
American Indian Science and Engineering Society/Burlington North Santa Fe Foundation Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a graduating high school senior living in a state serviced by BNSF (includes Washington, Texas, South Dakota, Oregon, Oklahoma, North Dakota, New Mexico, Montana, Minnesota, Kansas, Colorado, California, Arizona)
- Must be a Native American, Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian
- Must be planning to study health administration (among other select majors)
Kaiser Permanente Health Care Career Scholarship
Benefit: $2000, $5000 or $10,000
- Must be a high school senior at selected high schools in Washington or Oregon
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
- Must intend to study for a health care career (health administration qualifies) full-time at an accredited U.S. school
- Prefer applicants who are first-generation college-bound students
- Prefer applicants who demonstrate financial need
- Prefer applicants who are members of an underrepresented/diverse population
Distinguished Presentation Award/University of Washington
Benefit: $4000
- Must be a first- or second-year student in UW’s MHA program
- Must demonstrate outstanding presentation skills and exceptional health administration understanding
- Must present a 10-minute presentation on a given topic
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 20 for winter, March 13 for spring, June 5 for summer
Emerging Leader Award/University of Washington
Benefit: $4000
- Must be a first- or second-year student in UW’s MHA program
- Must submit essay
- Must be an innovative, inclusive leader of tomorrow
- Must have non-traditional leadership experiences
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 20 for winter, March 13 for spring, June 5 for summer
HSEED Equity and Diversity Award/University of Washington
Benefit: $5000
- Must be a first- or second-year student in UW’s MHA program
- Must have overcome barriers to entering higher education/health care administration
- Must show outstanding academic merit
- Must show diversity of experiences
- Must show potential for leadership in health care
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 20 for winter, March 13 for spring, June 5 for summer
Impact Award/University of Washington
Benefit: $4000
- Must be a first- or second-year student in UW’s MHA program
- Must submit essay
- Must exemplify commitment to the needs of communities, programs that improve human condition
- Must demonstrate service to unserved/underserved communities/populations
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 20 for winter, March 13 for spring, June 5 for summer
Kaiser Permanente Postgraduate Fellowship in Health Care Administration
Benefit: 12-, 18- or 24-month administrative fellowship in Northern California, Southern California or Northwest
- Must have a graduate degree in healthcare administration
Program Retention and Student Success Scholarship/University of Washington
Benefit: $5000
- Must be a student in UW’s MHA or Executive MHA program and have been enrolled in the program for at least one quarter
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must have a 3.5 GPA
- Must be making significant progress toward degree
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 20 for winter, March 13 for spring, June 5 for summer
Benefit: allows residents of WICHE-member states to enroll in 450 programs in 61 institutions outside of their home state and pay in-state, resident tuition rates
- Must be a resident of a WICHE-member state (includes Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota)
- Must be enrolling in a graduate healthcare administration program in a participating institution
West Virginia Health Administration Scholarships
Willard H. Erwin Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund/Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation
Benefit: $600
- Must be a junior or senior undergraduate or graduate student in health care administration/finance at a college/university in West Virginia
- Must be a West Virginia resident
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must show academic excellence
Other details:
- Application deadline: Jan 15
Oncology Practice Alliance Scholarship/American College of Medical Practice Executives (ACMPE)
Benefit: $2500
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must demonstrate potential to contribute to medical practice management profession in the specialty of oncology or hematology
- Must live in Ohio or West Virginia
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
West Virginia Public Health Association Education Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be in an undergraduate or graduate public health/administration program at a West Virginia school
- Must be a West Virginia resident
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 15
Greg Ferguson Memorial Scholarship/Marshall University
Benefit: varies
- Must be an incoming freshman in health care field at Marshall University
- Must have graduated from Wayne, Tolsia or Spring Valley high schools
Richard C. Flint Scholarship/West Virginia University Institute of Technology
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate student in the Department of Social Sciences & Public Administration at WVU Institute of Technology (health administration is included)
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a high school senior
- Must be a resident of Wayne County, WV
- Must be enrolled/plan to enroll in a health care career field at a college/university/vocational-technical school in Kentucky, Ohio, or West Virginia
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
- Must have a 15 ACT or 700 SAT score or GED
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must submit three letters of recommendation
Foundation of Mon General Hospital Masters Scholarship
Benefit: $10,000
- Must be enrolled in a master’s program in health care (health administration applies)
- Must be a West Virginia resident
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must demonstrate academic potential
Wisconsin Health Administration Scholarships
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Midwest Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA Midwest section states (Wisconsin, South Dakota, Ohio, North Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Leslie Blide Memorial Scholarship/University of Wisconsin Milwaukee College of Health Sciences
Benefit: $1000
- Must be accepted into the undergraduate health care administration program at University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate health care administration student at UW-Eau Claire
- Must have outstanding academic record
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate health care administration student at UW-Eau Claire
- Must have outstanding leadership skills
Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin Administrative Fellowship
Benefit: two-year fellowship
- Must have a graduate degree in healthcare administration
- Must be interested in health care management at a health care system, medical center, hospital or physician practice
GE-Marquette Medical Systems Inc. Scholarship
Benefit: varies, usually $400-$700
- Must be a graduate student in Marquette University’s Healthcare Technologies Management Program
- Must be nominated by your department
Wyoming Health Administration Scholarships
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Western Section Scholarship
Benefit: $2500 average ($1000 to $5000)
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a program related to medical practice management
- Must live in one of the MGMA western section states (Utah, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, Nevada, Montana, Idaho, Hawaii, Colorado, California, Arizona, Alaska)
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Cindy Lynch Scholarship/Fairview Lakes Auxiliary
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a graduate student in health administration
- Must be an adult returning to school
Benefit: allows residents of WICHE-member states to enroll in 450 programs in 61 institutions outside of their home state and pay in-state, resident tuition rates
- Must be a resident of a WICHE-member state (includes Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota)
- Must be enrolling in a graduate healthcare administration program in a participating institution